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balathazar 1 Reviews 1849 reads

Just contact admin at the link in the upper right corner "contact us". Explain your situation and your desire to have the review removed for being a false review.


adsumsparkle3812 reads

I do not come here much......but apparently my good friend Mr Green has tried unsuccessfully to post a review....REMEMBER GUYS! The reviews are about the guys in the back office beating off...that's how they get approved. NOT ABOUT what actually happened during a session.....you guys want the FACTS??? TER posts reviews that get them off.....NOT  ABOUT FACT! I am at a point where IM speaking out......TER! POST what took place in MY freaking session.......NOT IF YOU GOT OFF IN THAT FANCY BIG BLACK CHAIR YOU're sitting in ........How about the truth....??? not good enuf for you??? Bring on the RAUNCH BOYS! then it will have TER APPROVAL!

adsumsparkle2290 reads

Cant speak my mind....? cuz Im not male?
Just posting an observation....mamy a dude has commented on this fact....

Ben Dover2175 reads

And your "observations" don't need to be pro-TER in order to get posted either, discontent is perfectly allowable IMHO...
 I let the guys air their dirty laundry all the time as long as they don't cross the line of revealing personal info, and girls are equally welcome to do it. (infact, I rather enjoy slap/scratch/hair-pulling girl-fights when they break out, lol!)
 About the only thing I get up in a lady's shit about is if she spams the board like it's her own personal craigslist, or when out-of-town ladies drop by several boards at the same time and test-market themselves before deciding if they are coming to town based on when they generate the most intrest. ("trolling for dicks" so to speak)
 Actually, most guys will probably agree if you ask them that I tend to take the lady's side when flames break out, but it may not be that appearent, since I usually handle that by moderating the guy when he starts to get overly combative against a lady, but I rarely if ever need to moderate the gals...

DontGetMadGetGlad1590 reads

why don't you ask TER to be delisted?  Everyone who has read this board for a while knows that fabrication and embellishment happens from time to time and that a small percentage is false.

Just remember that if you delist, all your reviews will be gone and the moderator may delete all references to you on discussion boards.

-- Modified on 1/29/2008 12:16:02 PM

the offending alias2573 reads

Actually the review is posted.  I have no idea how they determine what is posted and what is not.  I rarely submit them anymore as I rarely see anyone new and if they already have a bunch of reviews what can I add.  I think sometimes they are just asleep at the switch.  Good luck.

ilvmbg2757 reads

Providers have recourse for reviews believed to be false.  I know some providers who have had reviews proved to be false and TER has removed those reviews.  Hilary, if you wish, I can point out some providers that I know have had this happen.  If you're interested, PM me.  Another possibility is to say something on the provider's only board.  I'm sure some locals that read these threads will be willing to offer suggestions about how to handle false reviews.

I think the real problem is that members can upgrade to VIP for free by submitting reviews.  The flaw in this is that some will submit false reviews and TER has no real way to know if they are false, especially if they are somewhat similar to existing reviews for that particular provider.

Another flaw in the system is that it's not worth anything to read a review that says "She was great." and that's it.  I agree that this three word review should not be approved, is a waste of time to read because it doesn't tell me anything I want to know.

Regardless, in my opinion, ranting about TER publicly without knowing all the facts is a good way for a provider to get involuntarily banned.

-- Modified on 1/29/2008 12:43:34 PM

-- Modified on 1/29/2008 12:58:59 PM

Usually a new review will garner more new clients for a provider. Their name goes back to the front page on searches because of the latest review. Also how many times have you seen on boards that guys are leery of contacting someone who hasn't had a review in a couple months? So if you see someone you haven't reviewed before, and even if your review is going to be mostly like the others, I would suggest to do it anyway.


Do any of you guys really beat off to reviews?

With the astounding amount of stroke material online, does anyone really think that wading through, for the most part, poorly written reviews qualifies?

Also, your post makes you sound shrill, petty, and slightly crackers.  Not the best advertising if you ask me.

Ben Dover1817 reads

In an effort to help you NOT sound so ignorant, You may want to know that TER reviews are approved by a division of TER located in Amsterdam, so they don't really NEED to beat off since gash4cash is legal and plentiful there...
There is somewhere around a million and a half reviews in the TER servers, and thouands more pour in everyday, you may want to weigh the magnitude of what needs to happen on TER's end for them to filter reviews for fraud, accuracy, liability, working website links, banned providers and agancies, ect...

I'd say they do a rather remarkable fucking job, considering what they're up against!

adsumsparkle1979 reads

ben, i understand what u r saying, but you may be misunderstanding me.....i just think that reviews should be allowed to be accepted according to what took place in the session.....there is a difference between monitoring reviews and actually controlling what the reviewer says....that could be an embellished review. He is forced to write more than what actually took place. Guys searching for a good provider want truth....I think

Ben Dover1987 reads

I understand the frustration that comes from the vague one-word reply that ter gives when a review isn't approved.
  Actually there is some ryme and rythum to the preformance-score and the wording of the review and sometimes they don't make it because reviewer scored a girl too high in number without backing it up in the "juicy details", but quite often guys believe their review don't make it because they didn't write it sexy enough, but in reality it's just cuz they didn't paste a working link to the girls website...

(There's more "under development" for review-approval and it might help these issues, but I can't comment on the specifics yet.)

I also believe that the reviewers are somewhat arbitrary and capricious in their approvals.  The last three reviews I submitted were refused for "not enough explicit details".  I have never had that happen before.  

I do try to provide as real an assesment of any encounter that I had in a way that is reasonably coherent. While I don't claim to be Faulkner, or even one of the people who write those gothic romance novels (I wish I could turn out those lurid tales as fast as they do), I think I do better than many of the reviewers.

Sometimes, there isn't that much more to tell.  If the encounter lasts 15 minutes or less and it takes me that long, or more, to write it, how am I to provide more explicit details?  When I don't get more than a light touch, let alone a kiss, how am I to describe the wonders of the womans sensuality?  

How am I to provide "explicit details" for the reason that I rated a womans performance so high is because she trusted me with intimate details of her life like her son having won a wrestling tournament, or the details of her divorce, or a description of her last family christmas, or... and then treated me to as good a time as she was able but was not that spectacular?  

How am I to provide "explicit details" to something that I cherish just for me like the way a woman looks at me that makes me feel exhilerated, or the taste of a womans skin at the base of her throat, or the one time I touched a woman lightly on her inner thigh and she got goosebumps from her ankle all the way up to her throat, or the way that a woman laughed so hard that she was actually snorting (in a most erotic way to me), or the way that a womans hair got so tangled from the sex that I spent 10 minutes carefully working the knots out of her hair with my hands so she could get a pick through it without breaking off large clumps, or when the most sensual and erotic portion of the encounter was the womans response back to the poetry that I sent her and the time we spent discussing whether there was transmigration of the spirit?  

I get enough feedback from people who read the reviews and providers that I write too much. I'm not really pleased when the TER reviewers ask for more "explicit detail"

I will stop there.  I really get irate when receiving those more obsure review rejections like "other" or "deferred" or "machine error code".

I know I'm new to this, but the reviews are for us, right? It's why we are here, and it's what we are paying for. We can get a provider's contact information in a number of places, and their menu (I'm still not comfortable with that term) from their sites, postings, or directly from the provider (albeit awkwardly).

What I am here for is the reviews. They are what I use to make a decision about whether to see a provider or not.

So please, write the truth. I'll bet you got off, but did you have fun? Do her eyes light up when she smiles? Is she interesting to talk with between rounds when multiples are available? Did she laugh at your jokes?

When I write a review, I'm writing it for myself. What would I want to know about the encounter if I were deciding if I wanted to meet this person. What will I want to remember a year from now.

And, by the way domjff, I read a couple of your reviews. The book about salt was a dry read. That's funny. Keep writing. It's nice to run across a story now and then instead of just a penthouse forum letter.

That's my opinion, I could be wrong.

I had a review of mine denied because it didn't have enough juicy details. I wrote exactly what happened so I had to add. what it smelled and tasted like to get approval. That's pretty sad!

I have read through these messages and have to agree with Hil.  I read reviews to determine if I want to see a provider, not to read porn.  TER helps me know what to expect and not to expect. Reviewers should be real and honest. I honestly thought we were here to help each other sort through the options and find providers that fit our liking.  I personaly hate getting together and finding out that something I was looking for was just a reviewers embelishment.

I have been getting some extremely unflattering responses concerning a review that I received that stated I preformed acts that I know I never did.
In light of this thread, I now understand why the reviewer would have to add the lie in the review. But now I need someone to please tell me how to remove such a review even if it is for the most part favorable. A girlfriend of mine said she wished she had that review, after all, the score was a 9 & 9. But the part about a soda can sized dildo named "Herbie" is an outright lie and I personally find it disgusting. Obviously some guys dont mind it because quite a few have contacted me and asked about this "herbie" but I can do without the kind of  attention that is based on a lie. What to do, what to do?
[email protected]

Just contact admin at the link in the upper right corner "contact us". Explain your situation and your desire to have the review removed for being a false review.


I took a look at that review, I'LL bet that guy had no trouble getting it approved because it was not explicit enough or maybe he had to go back and add to it because his first version wasn't explicit enough to satisfy the TER gods.

what a vicious cycle. Firts you are honest and write a honest review. Denied for not enough juicy details so you embeliash. Then the provider complains and hits the contact button and then the author of the review is pegged as being dishonest!

I agree. I wish TER would just let the reviews stand as written, no need to make them penthouse letters.


Ben Dover2332 reads

the guys that are doing it thinking they need to in order to get approved are simply caught in an old-wives-tale. The problem exists ONLY if the guy submits a 9/9 review score and gives a lackluster account of the event that doesn't measure up to that score.

Afraid not. I was given the "not explicit enough" denial of a 5/1 review. The young lady simply stole my money. She chatted with me for a few minutes, and then told me my time was up and casually alluded to her "friend" standing just outside the building (she was honest about that). Believing -- falsely -- that an important part of TER was its ability to warn hobbyists of fraud, I dispatched my review, which was quickly rejected. Of course, I agree whole-heartedly with my critic: there weren't nearly enough explicit details to satisfy me, either!

Bottom line: the "not explicit enough" rejection was, in this case, clearly absurd. But in other cases, it is an invitation to fraud because some hobbyists, faced with the choice of getting published or telling the sad, bare-bones truth, will embellish.

I know Ben is sincere when he denies inequities in the approval process, but TER itself is based on the assumption that its members are people of integrity. To assume otherwise is to deny the viability of this site.

Ben Dover1654 reads

As this thread has progressed, I've made this issue know to Staff... I think some "tweeking" is under way as we speak...

...about the fantasy you had driving over to see here, with all the lurid details!  Then add, "But none of that happened since she was a rip-off!"

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