
collusion at its worst (long)
RalphWiggum 10284 reads

This has been discussed several times and I am not trying to beat a dead horse here but I wanted to explain what happened to me this morning and why this board will always be better than the other one.

Madison posted on the other board for incall and I simply posted a warning that she has posted private hobbyist info in the recent past. Readers of that board may not have known what happened and I wanted to give them a heads up, as so many hobbyists have done for me over the years.  I did not say anything else about Madison, good or bad.  They not only removed the post, they also terminated my account so I could not even contact the mod to get an explanation.  When Madison was booted from here (deservedly so) the Staff and local Mod both fully explained why.  Srvfan, thank you for doing a great job.  

It seems that the problems the other board had in the past (i.e., providers running the site) are still around today. If they do not want hobbyists to comment honestly and openly (in a tactful way of course) then they need to pull down the board and make it provider only. The two people that post there will have to look elsewhere for their info.  My only hope is that when the other board does come crashing down, the people who publicly swore off this board (you know who you are) do not come back here.

Sorry for the long winded message.  Again, I just wanted to post my experience.  Hope everyone has a great New Year.


Thanks for your info on "the Other" board.  We all know the other board cannot hold a candle to this board as far as status or honesty or being able to express your views.

Like you said, The other board is being run by a few providers that give you the boot if you irritate them or say somethng  bad about them.

Thank goodness for our SRVFAN and the freedom of speach!

One More Thought8751 reads

Ralph, I cannot sympathize with you on this one. There was no call for you to "warn" people on the other board since what Madison did on this board was unintentional. It was proper for them to remove your post because it could hurt Madison for no good reason. That being said though, I think they went too far in terminating your account. I could be wrong, but I do not believe that BD is run by providers.

RalphWiggum8292 reads

You are entitled to your opinion and I would respect your opinion if you were not hiding behind an alias (OneMoreThought).


I saw your post at the other site and said to myself "I bet that posting will be deleted by the time I get home from work".
Safe bet eh? lol

-- Modified on 12/29/2003 4:20:41 PM

beesa4910534 reads

If they removed your post because your are obviously a trouble maker. Since when did they make you the hall monitor?  Geez.

I did a search on your posts beesa and 90% of your posts are negative or kinda hostile to other peoples posts. You need to relax

-- Modified on 12/29/2003 7:31:18 PM

One More Thought10656 reads

My opinons, like yours, stand on their own merits.

webslavedude8335 reads

Pretty clear to me that someone fumbled the ball about two years ago and opened the door for an interception.

Trying to regain the ball doesn't mean stooping to dirty or over-reactive tactics.  This kind of reactionary immaturity is a real turn off to anyone fair-minded.  Part of the skill of being a good mod lies in taking the hard route to fairness.  

I am not sure what the post said on the other board, but I did notice the account had been deleted.  At that point any hope for me going back to the old "big kahuna" days and enjoying what that board used to offer was lost.  Why?  Because my sense of impartially was ruined.  It seemed just as biased as ever.

Well the jury is always out. I will always read both boards because competition is good, but frankly my participation is limited to the one that best serves MY interests.

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