
Body to body contact…
LadyAnna See my TER Reviews 1172 reads
1 / 11

A weather/commerce question:

For you toughened Minnesotans, does freezing weather like that make you second. G
guess visiting ladies? Do you try to get them to come to your place?

A frozen car door question:

Anybodys door lock freeze? Mine did, last year and the sun finally shown some light on it and it worked.  Do those liquid lock de-icers really work?

luckybulldog 29 Reviews 38 reads
2 / 11
vorlon 119 Reviews 35 reads
4 / 11

I postponed trying to set something up this past week specifically because it was really cold.  I don't tolerate the cold as well as I used to.

knotsaway 36 Reviews 34 reads
5 / 11

… is great for staying warm in freezing weather. And I’m fine with bringing my warm body to the provider’s place. At least we don’t have mountains of snow to deal with, like last winter.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 31 reads
6 / 11

There is an old survival question -- you are out in the middle of nowhere in an approaching blizzard and your car door lock (the old fashioned kind, with a key and not a remote) is frozen with you are locked outside.  What do you do?
You can piss on the lock.

vorlon 119 Reviews 27 reads
7 / 11

I bet that if actually in that circumstance, I would never remember to do that.

Nago8 4 Reviews 34 reads
8 / 11

Is this your solution to all life's problems?  

Dmbs1 33 reads
9 / 11

At least will not need meds for mental anxiety if that is the case .

LadyAnna See my TER Reviews 36 reads
10 / 11

That's so true! Speaking of, I haven't seen you in forever 😘

LadyAnna See my TER Reviews 38 reads
11 / 11

I would try that - it would take some gymnastic moves on my part but I'd try it!

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