
Computer issues from a dummy
five-eight 5955 reads

Folks: I recently bought the latest Norton anti-virus (after cleaning out the worm). It instructed me to remove a firewall in Windows XP. Since then I've been unable to access the Eros site properly - no pics, no click on the providers.

I have no clue. Any help?

I suspect you have Norton Internet Security (Includes ad blocker), not just Norton Anti-Virus.

The Eros guide uses a couple of file naming conventions that are, by default, rejected as unwanted ads by Norton.  Minnesota, Seattle, Houston, San Diego, Atlanta, and Boston's Eros URL's have the phrases "/ads" or "/ad_images" in them...  The other cities use a different naming convention.  Anyway, you have choices:

1.  Temporarily disable "Ad Blocking" while doing your spank surfing;
2.  If you use Explorer, and Norton installed the web assistant tool bar in it, you can de-select "block ads for this site" for each eros site and it remembers the setting for each future visit;
3.  You can create "permit" strings in Norton by adding each Eros site and permitting the strings "/ads" and "/ad_images".  This can be time consuming if you want to do more than just eros-minn.com, eros-guide.com, and eros-usa.com, it gets a bit time consuming.

I use method 2.  If I encounter blocked images on a site like eros (using my mozilla browser, which does not have the tool bar) I hop into IE, use the toolbar to exempt the site, and then go back to mozilla.  The site, once exempted from ad blocking, is global across all browsers on your PC.

Hope this helps.

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