Worst time for Border crossing
panachemc 2 Reviews 17489 reads

I've been going to TJ for the girls for a few years but lowered my trips significantly due to rumors of long border crossing times. What times should I avoid (I park on the US side and walk across). Many thanks

I can tell you some good times to go.....

Cross into mexico anytime except between 6-8 at night, especially on Fridays.

Come back into the US anytime between 4 pm and 4 am during the weekdays.

Avoid crossing back into the US on Saturday and Sunday afternoons before 6 pm.

burt202020077 reads

The advice given above fits my own experience.  The worst times are when people living on one side of the border and working on the other side of the border cross.  The next worse times are on the weekend when tourists (on both sides of the border) cross.  I've found that after 6pm the lines are usually short; after 8pm there are times I've even been able walk directly to a customs agent without a wait. (I like going to Mexico from 2-3:30pm and returning from 6-9pm.) If you are going to cross during the more congested times you might consider taking the bus as there is a special line with its own custom agent for those arriving by bus.  It's usually faster than standing in the pedestrian line, plus you don't stand outside in the heat.  As a plus there is a webcam in the MexiCoach station that shows the line at the border so if busses are stacked up at the border you can come back later if so desire.  MexiCoach is at the back of one of the market type places in the middle of Revoluction between 6th and 7th.  The fee went up and is now $2.

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