This Ol Phart going to TJ...
HBS1 34 Reviews 1556 reads

For the first time.  I am an avid UBER user.  Anyone have experience in Tijuana with Uber?  

Also - I will be Solo.  I have seen a few "guide" ads.  Any thoughts?  My Spanish is from High School...  back when we had 8-track in the car.


Seems to work well in Tijuana.  

I can vouch for the tour guide with our agency.

Jesus speaks both languages well.  

Either way have fun.  If you are going to the Zona Norte it is best to avoid the guys in that part of town who speak English and normally they are bad news.

Many thanks...  I will e-mail re: your guide...

Uber provides excellent service in Tijuana.  However, you'll have to walk a few blocks away from the border (I suggest towards the Pueblo Amigo Hotel) for the driver to pick you up.  Since Ubers aren't licensed taxis they (like all private vehicles) aren't allowed inside the zone at the border that is reserved for taxis.


Many years ago I posted the first edition of The Newbie Guide to Tijuana (Mongering) on TER.  I don't know if you can still find it with a search, but other sites have also posted it.  It's somewhat dated now, but is still very detailed and hopefully will be of help while visiting Tijuana.

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