Somethings is missing.....
casdguy22 28142 reads
1 / 14

Well based on reviews written here lately, I decided to checkout a MP in TJ on Saturday night.  Figured on either Azteca's or Mermaids, but I found out after crossing the border that both have been closed down as of last Wednesday.  I was told by 2 cab drivers that all non-licensed establishments had been shutdown by the authorities.  So needless to say I was disappointed.  I was then taken to Luxor and tried out that.... it was an okay experience but I wouldn't do it again.  The prices for the massage and services are identical to AMP here in SD and here you don't pay for parking, cabs, or the border wait (though to be perfectly honest, there was absolutely no wait coming back on saturday night... like 3 people in front of me in line, it was really bizarre but made my day).  So IMHO, if the MP's in TJ that everyone enjoyed are closed and the licensed ones charge the same as in SD, then I wouldn't recommend it.  The massage was a 3, the girl was a 6.5, and the service (opted for the minimal amount cuz I was already disappointed), the service was an 8 though.  Afterwards I kept thinking... damn, for the same money I could of had a really good massage and similar service in SD for the same or less with a much better looking provider and less hassle.  Just my opinion.

WheresWaldo 28499 reads
2 / 14

Never listen to a cab driver when he's talking to you about going to a MP. All he wants to do is get to the one that will give him a kickback for dropping off customers.

CoahuilaBoy 25226 reads
3 / 14

was it a cab you got into or a turnip truck? neither azteca nor mermaids has been closed down. i suppose that luxor offers a major kickback to cabbies. and sadly, from where you caught the cab to luxor is a 2 minute walk as opposed to a $5 cab ride. at least there wasnt a long line :)

GFE_HUNTER 24012 reads
4 / 14


casdguy22 25550 reads
5 / 14

Okay, so I accept that I might of been nieve then when the cab driver said it was closed down, I had no reason not to believe him and yes I could of walked to Luxor, but when I got into the cab I didn't know I would wind up there (nor had any idea where it was at the time).   But before I accept complete gullibility, I'd like to hear from someone who has visited either of Aztecas or Mermaids since Thursday of last week or over the weekend and tell me they were definitely open.

dawctor 10 Reviews 30585 reads
6 / 14

One of my first times in TJ, I told the taxi to take me to Adelitas. He began to give me a bunch of shit about AB being raided a night back, cops hanging around and many chicas staying home. He wanted to redirect me to an MP (Monte Carlo). I suspected he was bullshitting for a kickback but went for it (he was a good salesman and I had never been to an MP before). I had a great time with a beautiful young girl... then later went to AB (operating normally) for another great time. Yes, it's common for MPs to give kickbacks to taxi drivers.


dawctor 10 Reviews 33130 reads
7 / 14

They did shut down a number of the MPs a couple years ago but I don't know if Azteca was amongst them. I would be surprised if that were the case (then or now) as I have never heard anything about them offering extra services. To me, that's the red flag part of the cabbie story. Live and learn... I just wish you would have had a better time when you got the service at Luxor. Assuming the cabbie was playing a game, I hope you try again.


burt2020 28869 reads
8 / 14

As stated before, many cab drivers have fee arrangements with MP, stip clubs, etc.  The same is true for all the guys on the street who pretend they are helping you.  All of them get paid.  You can use that to your advantage at some MPs.  Get out a block early and walk in on your own--and don't let one of the guys on the street come with you, open the door, etc.  Ask to pay $10.00 less because you came on own.  Some MPS will detuct $10.00 from your fee as that is what they normally pay the cabbie, guy on the street, etc.  The same is true for freelance girls.  Sometimes you get a better rate if they don't have to pay a fee. OK, call me cheep, but it's worked for me several time.  Plus I don't have to put up with the company of my new friend and guide.

juanstijuana 26110 reads
9 / 14

Both Azteca and Mertmaids are open and have never shut down.  There were open all weekend.  The cabbies can smell newbie a mile away.  It's their job.  In fact Azteca is a regular massage place with no sex.  They offer the best regular massages in TJ. $20 for 45 minutes.  Mermaids is in the zona across from Adelitas and Chavelas.


Bimmer306 26298 reads
10 / 14

I was there Fri night, and Mermaids was definitely open. Plenty of hot young girls were there (around midnight), wearing school girl plaid skirts. Very nice.

Slit Licker 28283 reads
11 / 14

My buddies went to TJ last weekend searching Revolution for strip club action when one of the guys got separated. What happened to him I wouldn't wish on anyone.  After some walking, he found this Adelitas bar.  Really crowded at 2:00am.  Some butt ugly fatties approach him for "sucky, fucky" - not a guy who fears coyote ugly but he said he wouldn't fuck these pigs even with your dick!  Said walking around the bar was like being in an over crowded New York subway train at rush hour.  Lots of gangbangers hanging out too.  Deciding to head back to the border and go home he walked a bit and caught a cab as it was coming up the street.  The cabbie drove for about 15 minutes when my buddy realized he wasn't heading for the border.  They exchanged words and he demands to be let out.  Then the cab pulls into this parking lot and tells him to get out.  Swears at him and starts yelling.  These other guys come over and they start shoving my friend, yelling shit.  One guy swings at him and he goes down like he's hurt.  These guys pile on and rip his wallet out of his back pocket, pull his shoes off and feel his legs for money.  They kick my buddy a few times, bruise his face pretty good, then hop in the cab and take off.  Fortunately he hid some money and his keys in his money belt.  He got another cab to take him to the border.  Though he only lost his license, about $35 cash, he got the piss scared out of him.  Fucking shit. After seeing my friend and listening to how shook up he is from all that, I'll be god damned if I ever step a foot across that corrupt border again.  And don't fucking tell me I need to read some god damn websites either.  I've traveled enough to know this is a hell hole, and it's just a matter of time before you end up like him.  The odds are definately against you.

dawctor 10 Reviews 23085 reads
12 / 14

I'm glad your buddy made it out okay... but at 2 or 3 a.m. this could happen in the rougher part of most any big city. I'm sure the people running the action and making the money in the Zona don't condone this kind of abuse of gringos. Bad for business which is why it has become much more "user-friendly" in recent years.

aspuser 34 Reviews 25802 reads
13 / 14

There are too many things left out of this post for me to consider this the whole story.

1.  How drunk was he?
2.  How did he cross the border without his license?
3.  He could not get laid in Adelitas on a weekend night?
4.  I have never heard of cabbies mugging their customers.
5.  What kind of friends would leave their buddy behind in TJ?

Sorry, but it just sounds like your friend went looking for trouble or we haven't heard the entire story.

ifitsreal 26255 reads
14 / 14

Sounds like BS...

"Deciding to head back to the border and go home he walked a bit and caught a cab as it was coming up the street."  
1. when he waked out of Adelitas the cabs are waiting and desperately trying for your business.

"After some walking, he found this Adelitas bar."
2. I doubt he would just happen to walk to Adelitas at night.

"I've traveled enough to know this is a hell hole"
3. Then why did you go?

"They exchanged words and he demands to be let out.  Then the cab pulls into this parking lot and tells him to get out."
4. Great timing on your buddy's part, he gets out right where the action takes place.

Sounds like sour grapes to me

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