Re:Tijuana Escorts versus Bar Girls versus Street Girls
Arnie_65 4 Reviews 29051 reads

I like both options, to be honest. Sometimes, I'll go to the Zona with a couple of buddies, hang out at AB or CC, kick back a few beers, and knock out a session or two. Other times, when I'm alone and don't feel like sweating the logistics of a Zona trip, I'll go the escort route.

For me, the best thing about selecting an escort over a bar chica isn't measured by what I get. It's measured by I *don't* get. For example:

No taxis, no ficha drinks, no 3-dollar beers, no noise, no crowds, no smoke, no rateros, no street wierdos, no room charges, no "teep, teep, teep," no hustle, no nasty bar bathrooms, etc.

As for the cost factor, do the projection: a $50, 20-minute session at AB works out exactly to $150 per hour, the going rate for escorts, and without any of the disadvantages of the bar scene that I mentioned above. It looks a little better when you consider that my only other legal option for paid sex is Nevada. It's extremely rare that one can find anything worthwhile there at $150 for 20 minutes, let alone for a whole hour. I had a lady at one of the brothels try to charge me a grand for an hour. Can you believe that? That lady wasn't much to look at either. She'd be a wallflower at AB and wouldn't last five seconds in CC. Besides, I can drive to TJ in only 90 minutes versus four hours to Pahrump.

As for the looks factor, I've been with three escorts thus far, and although none was what you'd call a stunner, all were fairly attractive and all provided a level of service that was a cut above anything I'd ever gotten from a bar chica. Once, an AB chica demanded an extra 20 bucks to take her bra off once we got to the room. What the hell is that?

I've no doubt that a lot of you more experienced mongers can and do score involved, relaxed, multi-hour, GFE-type sessions for the same cost that your less experienced counterparts pay for a single hour with an escort or a couple of sessions at AB, but you have to also factor in the level of comfort with the environment. In my case, I speak virtually no Spanish and don't feel comfortable going to TJ by myself. That's another reason why the escorts are a good option for me right now.

Hope this helps.

juanstijuana34014 reads

Over the years there has been a lot of debate about the chicas (women) in the  TJ zona norte.  On various websites we have talked about big bar girls versus small bar girls.  In reality CC (Chicago Club) and AB (Adelita Bar) chicas versus the small bar chicas.  We've discussed money and the treatment we have received.  We talk about the GFE (girl friend experience) versus the pure sex of it.  Everyone seems to have a different opinion and their preference.  There is no right or wrong selection.

While the chicas are a sub-culture in themselves (there are probably less than 1,000 working girls in the zona, Rev and escorts) we as customers are our own sub-culture as some have called it.  Many of us TJ vets have come to love TJ.  Many have lived in S. California, gravitated first toward TJ and then some have traveled to other world destinations like Rio, Bangkok, Angeles City and the like.

Some guys are heavy into the TJ SG (street girl) scene for their own likes and reasons.  I have a whole group of TJ friends who only do SG's.  It could be the cost, the dislike of the noisy bars, the smoke etc. but they prefer the street scene.  They rarely step into the bars.

Now with TER entering the TJ scene, there are TJ escorts to consider as another group.  Personally to me the price is extremely high at $150 for the quality you get.  For the the guys that really like US escorts and use sites like TER  featuring escorts why haven't they gotten a better looking class of TJ escort?  There are are a few TJ sites promoting TJ escorts as their sole focus of their website. (I'm not talking about TER)  Their whole existance and focus is on the TJ escort.  How come they can't get the hot chicas?

I'm sure the future TJ escort population will grow.  I have been in TJ a long time and I'm sorry but I can't see paying the current crop of TJ escorts this kind of money.  They are probably very nice women, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder but by the photos I've seen, I'm not attracted.

But how come the real hotties at CC and AB are not escorting?  Then the price would be worth it.  The average annual wage in Mexico is $4,000.  It's probably a little higher in TJ, being a border town.  Still $150 in TJ is like $600-$1,000 in the US and probably more if you compare wages, standard of living etc.

I have browsed the California escorts on TER and have seem some amazingly beautiful women.  Is it just me or do the TJ escorts stack up in looks for what you are paying? (even compared to US prices)  Or is it just convenient and cheaper (than the US) for those who don't want to go to the zona.  Like I said, there are some amazing looking womnmen in CC abd AB.  Have any of you guys seen the beautiful looking women in the TJ strip clubs, Boleros and Penthouse.  Sometimes Madonas as well has hotties.

How come these women haven't been recruited as TJ escorts?  Now that would be fair market value in TJ at $150 for the beauty you would be getting.  I no doubt believe that the present TJ escorts are very nice people and probably give a good session but I am very visual as well.  But can someone please point out a beauty in looks in the bunch?

Some of the pictures look better than the chicas and some of the pictures are not flattering to the chicas.  I would figure that an escort would post the best pictures of herself to attract clients.  What do they look like in person if the pictures aren't good?  Why aren't the guys specializing solely in TJ (and no other areas) escorts,  recruiting a higher caliber of women lookswise.  For $150 I can have a hell of a party (more time or more chicas) in the zona and pick a 10 in looks and find a somewhat decent attitude.  AB chicas like Mary Magdalena, Yukie, etc and many others.  You know the hottest chica in high school or college that wouldn't look at me.

Just compare the TJ escort pics with the Los Angles and San Diego pics.  If I'm paying that kind of money in TJ, I want hot looking!  $150 is a lot of money in TJ.  In fact, a shitload to the average Mexican.  Even Executive massage was only around $135 and they has some real hotties.  Where are some TJ escort hotties in looks?  Anyone have any thoughts?


Great post. What they are charging is a ripoff, but gringos pay it, because it seems cheap and easy. You can get TLN for around $150....just have to work at finding the right chica and that is the fun of it all. It might take you a few trip, but once you find a few chicas you enjoy....the whole experience get better and better. Last trip 3 chicas 1 hour each $160....the next night TLN (7:00pm till 5:00am), great fun, sex and party for total of $250 chica, room, drinks etc.


Why are you ragging on the escorts, did one refuse to suck your ugly dick or something?  Like has been said here before, everyone has their preferences and for a GFE experience the escorts are great and there is NO comparison in SD for the price.  Go back to where you came from please...

I don't think he is ragging on the TJ escorts per se.
In his own way he is trying to guide the inexperienced or
less experienced hobbyists to discover the joys and pleasures
of being a monger in the Zone.  
As I have said before most people will never step outside of their comfort zone. It is risky.  Guys go to TJ and see the TJ escorts because it is the familiar M.O. for them.
I too extole the values and 'virtues' of both the sg's and the bar girls in TJ.
Give it a try if you are the least bit curious.
You will not be disappointed.


juanstijuana30299 reads

That was my point exactly.  Thanks for recognizing it.


I've been to the zone three times and enjoyed myself each time.  The experience is completely different than that with the TJ escorts, there is no comparison, so why try to compare prices, etc., it makes no sense.

80% of Juan's wasn't talking about options, it was ragging on the escorts, I just haven't figured out what he has against them.

I haven't used any of the escorts personally because I kind of enjoy the excitement of the hunt.  However, I can certainly see their attraction.  The cost of $150 for an hour isn't that far out of line when you consider that they are picking you up at the border and you aren't buying them any ficha drinks as part of the selection process.  I also don't agree with your opinion about their appearance.  I have seen a lot less attractive women advertising in the L.A. and S.D. areas for a lot more money.  
Does your prejudice against them have anything to do with your website somehow?  It seems like there has been quite a bit of conflicting info here about that site and the folks who are or are not allowed to participate.

Regarding the question about why there aren't more hot looking escorts I can only guess but...  First, let me say I have been with a few TJ escorts and find them attractive, certainly enough so to rev my engines... but more importantly, they provide reliable GFE services and that goes a long way in my book. (I've been with hotties in AB who I wouldn't see a second time if it was free.) However, I will admit to seeing many hotter looking (and younger) girls in the bars (and in some of the MPs). My guess is it's about the money, that is, the exclusively escort girls probably make far less money than the very hot looking bar girls. However, you would think that there are at least some hot bar girls (or hot girls elsewhere in TJ) who would prefer an incall environment in addition to or instead of the bar scene. (I understand that was Rosalba's situation. She told me she was allergic to smoke if exposed for more than an hour or so). Maybe the hot bar girls don't care to or can't provide the standard GFE that has come to be expected of TJ escorts. (Servicing a guy in an adjacent hotel room for 20 minutes is far easier and less personal than taking him to an apartment for an hour.) Maybe they are concerned about the law and working outside the Zona. Maybe they prefer the supportive environment of the bar, the other girls, the on-site staff. I don't know... good question, Juan. Since you are well connected, why don't you ask around the bar hotties and let us know what you find out?


juanstijuana25898 reads

Many chicas work on the street because they do not want to drink and hate the smoke and noise.  They don't even want to have to socialize.  I have also known some chicas who were told be their doctors to be careful in the bars because some were getting sick ftom all the smoke and excess drinking.  Especially, those that work nearly every day.  It's definitely a health risk.

I don't know why the escorts available aren't real lookers.  At $150 a pop an escort could do two guys a day and make $300.  That would be a bar chica doing 6 guys at $50 each or 5 at $60.   I would think some hotties would want to do this.  Perhaps they think that working in the zona or in a bar or strip club ofers more protection and a safer environment.  Perhaps they also prefer to sociaize.


...set up an apartment and start recruiting some of the best hotties...

simplemind27034 reads

I totally agree with you that most of these TJ escort girl are below par in the look department,they are way past their prime so they can't compete with the younger ,better looking chicas in the bars.They can only survive by taking the escort route and offer superior GFE services such as DFK,BBBJ( I have only read the reviews of "the famous one" and the indication is she is good with these) to make up for the lack in look.Based on this GFE thing i think they deserved to get $.5 for their efforts,i have never tried their service because i prefer the many young good looking chicas that i can find in the bars and i also the volume kind of guy ,$.5 can get me at least 2 chicas for the TJ trip.The saying "to each his own" is true in this case,some guys like the GFE,some guy like the look,to me if GFE means to DFK and BBBJ to everyone then i don't want any part of it.How would a guy feel when he know that his GF did these GFE things to the guys before him while he is kissing her mouth.So my main concern is not money (it is relatively cheap compare to prices in the LA,SD area ),it's the safety issue,how do we know that these girls are disease free since they are independent they don't have the health cards like those of the chicas working in the bars.

I like both options, to be honest. Sometimes, I'll go to the Zona with a couple of buddies, hang out at AB or CC, kick back a few beers, and knock out a session or two. Other times, when I'm alone and don't feel like sweating the logistics of a Zona trip, I'll go the escort route.

For me, the best thing about selecting an escort over a bar chica isn't measured by what I get. It's measured by I *don't* get. For example:

No taxis, no ficha drinks, no 3-dollar beers, no noise, no crowds, no smoke, no rateros, no street wierdos, no room charges, no "teep, teep, teep," no hustle, no nasty bar bathrooms, etc.

As for the cost factor, do the projection: a $50, 20-minute session at AB works out exactly to $150 per hour, the going rate for escorts, and without any of the disadvantages of the bar scene that I mentioned above. It looks a little better when you consider that my only other legal option for paid sex is Nevada. It's extremely rare that one can find anything worthwhile there at $150 for 20 minutes, let alone for a whole hour. I had a lady at one of the brothels try to charge me a grand for an hour. Can you believe that? That lady wasn't much to look at either. She'd be a wallflower at AB and wouldn't last five seconds in CC. Besides, I can drive to TJ in only 90 minutes versus four hours to Pahrump.

As for the looks factor, I've been with three escorts thus far, and although none was what you'd call a stunner, all were fairly attractive and all provided a level of service that was a cut above anything I'd ever gotten from a bar chica. Once, an AB chica demanded an extra 20 bucks to take her bra off once we got to the room. What the hell is that?

I've no doubt that a lot of you more experienced mongers can and do score involved, relaxed, multi-hour, GFE-type sessions for the same cost that your less experienced counterparts pay for a single hour with an escort or a couple of sessions at AB, but you have to also factor in the level of comfort with the environment. In my case, I speak virtually no Spanish and don't feel comfortable going to TJ by myself. That's another reason why the escorts are a good option for me right now.

Hope this helps.

Good analysis... especially the "what I *don't* get" part. Some of us get no thrill out of the bar environment and the hustles in the zona and the wam-bam of most sex the infrequent visitor finds there. It's fun sometimes, but there are obviously enough of us who enjoy the escort service to keep them in business.

Thanks ... I'd also like to point out that I've never actually paid $150/hr. I've always taken advantage of specials or multi-hour discounts. As such, I've paid $100 - $125/hour, which is more in line with the rates at the clubs, especially when you consider transportation costs, bar tabs, room charges, etc.

My business used to take me all over the US and I used TER exclusively to locate reliable escorts.  In TJ, I have only been with the legendary Tania and that was to go upstairs from Adelita's for a $60. quickie.  It was great.  I have been going to TJ more and more often lately as semi-retirement is upon me.  I have changed my modus operendi completely during the past 6 months.  It used to be pick out a beauty at Adelita's, a short conversation and then to the room to take my chances.  By take my chances, I mean that I had no idea what level of service to expect and never expected a GFE.  Now, I pick out a cutie, buy a couple of ficha drinks and conduct an interview.  We can all tell if we are making any sort of connection with the girl.  If I am and still enjoy her company after a couple of drinks, I ask three questions:  ¿Tu besa con la lingua? ¿Hacer sesenta y nueve? and ¿Chupa sin condón?  With three positive answers you have found your GFE.  Now for the money: One hour with a hottie has never cost me more than $80. plus $21 for the room.  For $100. to $150. I have received repeat sessions toda la noche.  A great night of dinner, dancing and sex ( including mañonero) for the price of one hour with an escort plus the cost of the room, dinner and drinks which you would have with any date.

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