El Centro/Calexico area
insignificant 68 Reviews 14310 reads

I'll be in El Centro and Calexico for a couple of days and looking for someone to help me relax.  The Cumacho board says for gringos to stay away from Mexicali but the temptation is strong.  Anyone have any words of advice before I travel south?  Any warnings?

Milkster14951 reads

Mexicali is by far my most memorable trips i have ever taken.

Wow where do i begin ??? The ladies there are much more attractive and if you are looking to score with a real chica there are plenty of places on the main drag and these girls are not discrimitive !!!

Bar San Diego is the Adeltias of Mexicali - price ranges from 40 to 60 dollars and has a decent selection from 4's to the famous Carolina who is all over the net.

Mau Mau and Gua Gua (sp) have the hottest talents but they come at a price. Session can run around 100 or so but the ladies are fine fine fine !! They also employ some asian ladies.

Many moons ago a lot of Asians setteled in Mexicali you will also see some fine crossbreeds :)

Aquirias also has some nice talent and prices range from 60 to 100 dollars per session.

The locals only zona is huge !! And I mean huge but the quality ranges from very poor to Ok
you will find many clubs that have the same name as in TJ but the quality is far from it.

there is little to no street girl action in Mexicali. Hotel pacifico has the "street girls" in thier lobby. prices range from around 25 to 40 depending on what you want. They have a smart ass lady who runs the joint.

There any many private massage places also the cabs will know about them but they are costly too.

most cabs are Taxi libres and you can run all around town for about 7 dollars.

For a hotel try Hotel Siesta Inn. Nice place and will remind of you Hotel Zaragoza. Around 60 bucks a night. Hotel are very expensive in Mexicali and I am not sure why ? the crown plaza will run you around 120 or the Luceren will run around 90.

ome thing I like is the scams are nearly non exsistent. This is not a tourist town and I have been treated well by the cops.

Mexicali itself is very clean and basicly is bum free. They also have great food and very good chinese food.
Try Tacos Fiesta which is up the street from Scratch and Mojocates which are 2 hot hangouts for real girls.

Caprichos is also a nice hangout for college chics and is across the street from Scratch.

Sorry no addresses I do not remember them.

Please protect your car my buddy had his truck stolen right in front of him with his girlfriend still in the truck ! they found his truck 3 months later and it was being driven by a young cop. Buy insurance there is a nice place across the street from Mcdonalds that has day to day insurance.
try early and late evenings for the best selection.

Have a great trip

burt202019771 reads

I asked a similar question about Mexicali and received some excellent advice from Milkster. (It is on my list of places to visit and, based on posts from this board, I believe it is as safe or safer than TJ to hobby.)  Do a search for "Information Request for Mexicali and San Luis" and read Milker's response on 10/12/03 to my question. I respect his opinion and think it safe to say that many others on this board also respect his advice.

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