Halloween in TJ
Burt2010 9 Reviews 1490 reads

Halloween (Halloween, Día de las Brujas, Vispera de Todos Santos,  etc.) is celebrated in Mexico on October 31st in much the same way it is celebrated in the United States:  with children dressing up in costumes and going from house to house asking for treats.  Halloween—like Valentine’s Day—is a holiday Mexico has imported from the United States.

Where celebrated in Mexico, Halloween is a cultural, not statutory, holiday.  Employees do not receive a day off (with or without pay).  Banks, schools, government offices, and businesses are open as usual, although many will have a Halloween decoration on display, which is often a skeleton.

In Spanish “trick or treat” is dulce o travesura.  Literally dulce o travesura is “candy or mischief.”  (In Spanish this holiday is called Halloween, just as it is in English although the pronunciation is slightly different.)   In Mexico, sometimes Halloween is called the Día de las Brujas (Day of the Witches.)

In Tijuana many business and malls provide treats for the kids and consequenlty going house to house asking for treats is less common than in the United States.  Also in Tijuana those who do not want trick or treaters visiting their homes do not turn on their porch light and are usually skipped by the trick or treaters.

It is also common to see adults "out and about" on the streets of Tijuana dressed in Halloween costumes.   One also often sees bar girls dressed in costumes.
Anyone care to share Halloween plans.  Or favorite places in Tijuana they celebrate the holiday?

-- Modified on 10/27/2017 9:34:21 PM

Is what the kids say when they come to your door. I have always guessed they could not say "trick or Treat" and say tricky tricky as it is easier for them.

Part of Revolucion was blocked off for the trick or treaters.  As in years past I enjoyed spending time on Revo seeing all the kids and adults who were out and about in Halloween costumes.

The Zona was a different story.  I didn't see as many chicas in costumes as I remember seeing in times past.

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