Interesting post, interesting thought! Something to think about! :D EOM
juanstijuana 28267 reads
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Sometimes in TJ you think you have a new find. Or you think you're special. I know a lot of people in TJ and sometimes I find that networking while in TJ with friends is the best way to find out about chicas I know nothing about. Even better than the websites.

Of course this means that you have to go to TJ a lot, give up anonymity and socialize with other mongers. The shocker is how many of us are doing the same chicas. I'm amazed at talking to the many TJ mongers I know (many of whom aren't on websites) the amount of times we know and do the same chicas.

Why is this? Maybe because TJ is a limited pool and there generally are more customers than workers. Also, if the chicas talent doesn't change, different mongers hit TJ every day while the same chicas are working.

From friends, I hear on a bad day in a Thailand bar, the ratio is 5 to 1 women. Many women in some of the Asian countries are lucky to get 3-5 sessions a week. I'd love that but as they say, location is everything. You have to go a long way to get that.

Lately as well, there hasn't been that many new SG's. You tend to see the same ones over and over standing there. If a chica happens to be hot and new at a bar (for us guys that go a lot we know and find the new chicas) or hot and stays awhile at a bar many of us are doing these same bar girls as well. I also know many gringos like myself who like thinner chicas. Many of us are attracted to the same thin hotties.

So in the true spirit of six degrees of separation we are all connected. Does that make us all related? :)

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