Welcome to the TER Tijuana Message Board
Staff 31720 reads

With so much interest in our neighbors down south, it seems only right to have a good place to talk about it.

-- Staff

Thanks Staff.  I have a feeling this is going to be a very popular board.

Personally, I would love to see hobbyists post reviews on this board, as well.  Why not, its not like you can post reviews on TJ girls unless they are one of the few girls with their own websites.

Hopefully ABeautifulMind's latest rounds of posts do not turn too many people of from TJ...that is NOT the TJ that I know or care to know.  TJ should NOT be a place for soul searching, only pussy pounding.

For fuck's sake, some day soon I am going to escape for a night and get down to TJ & take some cool fellow TER hobbyists with me.
I doubt I will have any complaints and if I do I'll leave 'em at the fucking border! :)

Thanks TER, TJ being so close for me and alot guys have a fun time there. It will be very interesting seeing what they say and post. Been there one time seeing a provider and had a fun time.  Using the bike option to get back. Didn't take take that long.

Just me,

Esta sección nueva será muy popular. Sé que muchos tipos serán curiosos acerca de ir a Tijuana y estarán inquieto acerca de ir al sur. Pero está enterado que las chicas de la barra y la calle son requeridas a tener para frecuentar muy la salud verifica. Años hace, estaba también inquieto acerca de ir a Tijuana pero leí mucho en el Internet y bajé y tuve un grande tiempo. He estado yendo regularmente desde entonces. Trato de ir una vez al mes a Tijuana y a veces más frecuenta y tratará de ayudar los tipos nuevos

This new section  will be very popular.
I know lots of guys will be curious about going to Tijuana and will be apprehensive about going South.
But be aware that the bar and street girls are required to have very frequent health check ups. Years ago, I was also apprehensive about going to Tijuana but I read a lot on the Internet and went down and had a great time. I've been going regularly ever since. I try to go once a month to Tijuana and sometimes more frequent and will try to help the new guys.


Great! Nice to see this addition to the Boards. I live too far away to visit TJ very often, but when doing business or visiting relatives in SD, I always make time for some recreation south of the border. I love Latinas, it's inexpensive and as safe as most big cities I have visited. Not to mention -- no LE issues!

BTW, I got turned on to the TJ scene by reading Senor Zorro's posts on the LA Board a couple of years ago. When he said there were endless numbers of young cute Latinas eager to offer up pleasure, he wasn't kidding.


vandoiyoy7566 reads

What a whather outside your window now?

vandoiyoy4978 reads


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