Email problems reaching Teresa
burt2020 16838 reads

As anyone reading my reviews knows, Teresa (Tania's friend from Mexico City) is a favorite of mine.  I've been having trouble reaching her by email.  I finally received a response from her saying there is a problem with her hottijuana address and to use [email protected] instead.  I'll pass this infomration along for anyone who wants to see before she leaves or anyone who (like me) has had trouble reaching her.

I used to have occasional problems with emails to TJ escorts.  Then I noticed that somehow (I don't know exactly how) some extra letters were being automatically added to the address field before I hit SEND, and that was yielding a wrong address.  I recommend double-checking the address field before hitting the SEND button.  Hope this helps.

Teresa's E-Mail is [email protected]. I think that the web site has the "TJ" after her name but that,as you have found out does not work. Good Luck

MGB FYI "hello'd" both eddresses:

[email protected] and  [email protected]

at their mailserver tonight and both addresses seem valid
not sure but possibly the problem is the mailservers appear
to be Yahoo.  anyone have experience with their mxs ?


Teresa will be going home this weekend.

What kind of person leaves town early so that she doesn't have to pay her friends back.  Many strange things happen whenever Teresa is around.

She seems to be one chica that we are better off without.

But don't worry, Tania called and said she is bringing three new girls back with her........Yay!!!!!

Three new girls? Great... but I haven't even seen Rubi or Gio yet. Anyone seen Gio? No reviews on TER.

....and I have an appointment set up with Aranza for tonight so I will post my review soon.  

Gio and I haven't been able to get our schedules to meet yet so I cannot help you there.  Traded a few emails but she has been out of town quite a bit.

I'll look forward to your review... and hope the time spent with her is as hot as she looks!

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