Ana/Adult Baja false advertising & bait-and-switch
Burt2010 9 Reviews 867 reads

Adult Baja once ran a holiday discount special on their website.  So I called to book a date.

Ana informed me she didn't have girls who would do a date at that price. Classic bait-and-switch false advertising for which Ana and Adult Baja are famous.

More than once a man has booked a date with "Maria."  Then when he tries to repeat a different girl shows up.  The reason Ana tires to hide faces on the Adult Baja website is so she can send any girl with a similar body build.

Adult Baja/Ana is one of the most (if not the most) dishonest escort agency/owner in Tijuana.  Caveat emptor

I've been experiencing problems in contacting Adultbaja.  Been trying to set up a date with Angelita for the past 2 days and I get horrible communication from Marissa.  Anyone else experience the same problem?  Or does she just not like me lol

Never felt that way but those girls flake alot but also know may of the girls work with multiple agencies. For example Mavin   ok is the same girl as Jordan on LLA and same Jordan as on this site too. So she may be working it.

Adult Baja is almost closed.  Lots of people are having problems.
BTW, I think it is Ana/Roxana that runs Adult Baja.  And Marisa who runs LLA.

Neither are top tier agencies.  To avoid these type of problems stick with CUMINT, Hot Tijuana, and Mexico Lindo Bar.

That is true there is a lot of issues with adult baja because she does not keep up with their girls and they agree then back out or not show up at all. It is bad because there are some good girls there. That is my problem because I set it up b4 I get there because my number does not work over there. I met some good girls there but lot are like blah.

Adult Baja once ran a holiday discount special on their website.  So I called to book a date.

Ana informed me she didn't have girls who would do a date at that price. Classic bait-and-switch false advertising for which Ana and Adult Baja are famous.

More than once a man has booked a date with "Maria."  Then when he tries to repeat a different girl shows up.  The reason Ana tires to hide faces on the Adult Baja website is so she can send any girl with a similar body build.

Adult Baja/Ana is one of the most (if not the most) dishonest escort agency/owner in Tijuana.  Caveat emptor

True every excuse that Jessei or Maria is not available.but has her picture up.on the add still. I have booked girls and she has confirmed then they flake out and she does nothing about it. I do not recommend the at all. I only see Girls on H&SL or Cumintj. Especially cum in TJ there is always new girls and they are true to value and Mundo is honest and the girls are what they are as well.

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