Meet and Greet

New England M&G for early summer '20
jhonny8770 40 Reviews 4807 reads

Our annual gathering is on the horizon!
We still have FOSTA/SESTA issues so vagueness and screening are our highest priorities.
If you would like further info regarding attendance, please contact us at the party email only.
(PM's here will not be read/answered)

Best regards,
party email: [email protected]

............this ugly thing is not subsiding according to all available info.
As the host my primary job is every-ones cont'd safety.
IMO gathering in a somewhat large group in close proximity would not be smart.
Our upcoming early summer party is postponed; until when is currently unknown.
Hoping end of year, but we'll need to see when this truly ugly thing diminishes.
Until that time, I wish you all health and wellness.

best of regards,
jhonny's a little something that seems to have been written/performed just for us

I hope you're all well/healthy.
Sorry, no M&G while Covid's raging.
Can you imagine if someone had the virus, attended and got others sick?
We'd make national/international news!
(no to mention the NE area puritanical law/DA's offices reaction)
So, we wait til the vaccine is out en masse to the public or until Covid's run it course.
Sucks, but it's the only reality in which we can gather safely.
I'll post an update here again in a few months.
Til then, stay safe/well

I unfortunately agree... it's way too easy for things to spread. A good friend and fellow monger told me that his sister got it.. his other sister got it and his sisters wife got it. The wife is on a ventilator now. Not expected to live. Luckily he had not seen his sister for a few months. He's Insulin dependent.. I see him for lunch every few weeks.. and that's how it goes.. gave me pause.. I have not seen a provider since March... cannot wait for a vaccine!

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