Meet and Greet

Want better Customer Service? Send the request to the right department...
Dingus15 8 Reviews 6919 reads

Almost 90% of inquiries can be handled by the support team via problem reports or "Contact us" .

You can always get a response in less than 48 hours if you use those features for contacting TER, Never send an email to

[email protected]

unless it is:

1-Reinstatement  requests

( it is preferred that you use the "contact us" button in your account manager for  delisting requests. Please put “URGENT DELIST” as a subject, that way it will be directed to Admin immediately and we can find your profile buy having your username,…)

2- You are banned and want to know why

3- Providers' board access

4- Advertising/Marketing

5- When the support team tells you to take your issue to admin

All other inquiries, such as review issues, profile updates, message board stuff,... technical problems, if sent to admin, the average response time is about 2 weeks!

Problem reports are only for updating your profile and combining profiles.

The “contact us” form is for reporting issue's with reviews, requesting delisting, message board questions that the moderators cannot answer, technical problems and membership issues such as cancellations.

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