Meet and Greet

Sure have missed them
Shaft1 129 Reviews 455 reads

Hey JPW,  I hope you do start it up again.  I sure have missed them and definitely missed seeing you guys and the ladies too.  


ok I will try another

Will you be hosting any more parties? Airmantroy had invited me to one once, but I had other plans. Regret not going.

I may or will start by having a house party for past attendees and known guys and gals.  Please reply to my M&G email account, it's the same as before, so I may determine if a regular M & G or a house party will be best. If I do a party, it would be like my past Toys for Tots Christmas parties.  So please be prepared or let me know if you feel I should or should not do any.  Please if using a new email addy and a new user name, tell me your past name and e-mail addy so I can continue to do a proper screening of all for everyone's safety!!!!  


I used to attend your events often but I don't think I was on the email list. Could you please email me if I could be in attendance? I would love to hang out with everyone again. My email is cassandrasilk@yahoo.
Thanks love! Xoxo

I have never attended one of the events you hosted in the past but would welcome the opportunity to attend a future event with some of the locals in Atlanta.

Hey JPW,  I hope you do start it up again.  I sure have missed them and definitely missed seeing you guys and the ladies too.  


I am actually starting to spend more time in ATL and would love to attend. Please add me to your list if at all possible and I do not think I am on your original list of invitees.

-Sitara Devi

Hey PW,

Sounds like fun and Stira Devi very nice photos I look forward to possibly meeting you.

still dying to attend one of your infamous gatherings...
keeping an eye out ;)

Notice the original message is old (3 years)  

I haven’t heard if an Atlanta Meet abs Greet in at least that long  
OTOH I see from your site that you’ll be visiting our fair city in a couple of months.  
I filled out the form and hope to be able to meet you  


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