Meet and Greet

Re: Info/Suggestion(s) for hosting an intimate M&G (or variation) at my place in NY
newrocman 17 Reviews 9601 reads

count me in

SamanthaS9723 reads

Hello, all.
I am a new independent here in NYC and would like to host something like this as I love intimate parties and being a social butterfly!

Any opinions and/or suggestions on how a young lady such as myself can do this successfully? I am not reviewed and am also super discreet about this part of my life.

Thanks in advance.


Fancey, here are few words from me:

(a) LOVE your site
(b) You sound like a fantastic person
(c) unfortunately I am un-reviewed indie from NYC myself
(d) regardless of (c) if there is any way i could help .. let me know

Hello, if you decide to host a M&G, please ad me to your list of providers to invite. I'd love to attend.


hey if there was a M N G in NYC I would love to come there someday. I am very heavily reviewed here on TER and also have a porn site. I am listed under elli/erin

Elle -- If your cumming,,,, so am I!  I can't wait to see you again!!!!!

Count me in!  I can offer some assistance on how to set up a M&G if your interested, email me :D

KatherineNYC6436 reads

I'm also an unreviewed new member from NYC. I'd love to attend and help set up.

I have two girlfriends, both heavily reviewed on this site tht will vouch for me. :)

Please keep me posted!!!


Please keep me posted on the M&G. I'm new to TER,but would love to help in any way possible. Count me in!

i am ph.d student of georgia tech atlanta(architecture)just  come from china,now live nearby the campus, i am finding a girlfriend to chat and date and see where things may lead.on the other hand ,i wanna to improve my english,at the same time i can teach you chinese mandarin,haha. i am so honest.....
It doesn't matter what you are doing for a living and if you are rich or poor, I just hope you are sincere.I'm so thankful for your stopping by and spending your precious time on reading my words. I cherish all your friendship.
you are free to ask me any question,and you can add myyahoo message:[email protected]

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