Meet and Greet

Re: Chicago M&G?teeth_smile
ckayaker007 22 Reviews 7805 reads

Why go to Chicago?

Help. First time here. Not a clue. Looking for if and when next m&g might be. I'm a older, much older, hobbyist in Wisconsin. I don't even know how to tell anyone how to respond to me.

Hi Malerfun!  A chicago meet and greet is hosted in the schaumburg area usually and more information can be found at the following website.

have fun and be safe!

I saw that is down.  Does that mean the parties are over?

Margarite5883 reads

Hi , when is this M&G suppose to take place? me and my friend are going to Chicago?

jill986629 reads

Had a great time meeting all the gents and looking at all the girls. See everyone next month.

Hello,  How does one get invite next month?

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