Meet and Greet

How to get invited to a M&G - A case study
MnG_Incorporated 16503 reads

Recently Snownfire asked to be invited to the next M&G. We agreed that we would open the process up and show you what goes on.

Our first question is: How involved is he?
 Posts and Reviews

48 posts on the DC board over the past year with a 6 month break, pretty good involvement.
His questions are good ones, he even posts links to the girls in question (hint hint) and his replies are polite, funny and contain relevant info.

Only 1 Review, and that's from a week ago.
for someone that's been doing this for a year we would expect more. That's a red flag and something that gives us a reason to check his references out thoroughly.

-- Modified on 3/20/2007 12:27:06 PM

Links to TBD are not allowed on TER per the Head Shed (Staff)

-- Modified on 3/23/2007 2:24:12 PM

MnG_Incorporated15322 reads

Of course they count!
Having reviews is like having another list of references. If for some reason the references you provide us don't answer back, we can go to your list of ladies and ask them. After going through this process we know who is really good at getting back to us with a response and who is reluctant giving up references. Some ladies and agencies just don't do it. That's not a slam against them , it's just the way they do business.

So get me your references and we'll check them out.

That might apply in general, Cecilia.  The operative question is: Specifically, would it apply to ME?? lol

I now have two reviews and one of the providers I visit has whitelisted me.  Does this change any of the requirements?

MnG_Incorporated15172 reads

The requirements haven't changed. While a whitelisting makes one of your references easier, we will still contact her.
You still need one more.
Even if you had 5 whitelistings, you should still let us know who to contact for a reference.

That fact that you are contacting your references BEFORE we do is greatly appreciated.

To everyone else out there, calling your references ahead of time is one of the best ways to ensure the girls will get back to us quickly. It also places YOU in their minds so they know who we are asking about. I can't tell you how many times the ladies we contacted had no idea who the guy was.

Multiple reviews of a the same provider result in the deletion of previous reviews.  Therefore counting alone is a pooor measure.  And multiple reviews of the same provider are telling, as the quality of services may change over time and by client.  So, what is a fair measure of participation in the hobby and appreciation for those who engage in it?  TBD is dead.

MnG_Incorporated15753 reads

True, it's not a very good reflection of a guy's hobbying, but it is a good indication of how he participates in the community.

If you see the same girl every week for 5 years you're not helping the rest of the community. No other ladies are benefitting from your hobbying and the guys aren't getting info from any new reviews.

If someone sees a different girl every day and doesn't review them, what good is it to our community? You better believe he's reading the reviews here on TER, but he's not giving back.
It may be good for business, but it doesn't help you or me out when we want to see the same ladies.

The M&Gs are a way to give back to the people who DO contribute to this community.

I agree to an extent.  However, we don't make the rules around here.  Paid VIP memberships (allowing the full reading of reviews) are an established concept and alternative to actually reviewing on TER.

A variety of personal reasons result in my not seeing as many new gals right now (and hence posting less new reviews).  There is also the problem that the gal one sees must have a valid web presence at the time which her review is posted (and she cannot be delisted or banned from TER).  All of these rules result in allowing only a fraction of the new gals seen to actually be reviewed.

Nonetheless, I try to make an effort to post reviews at least a few times a year to maintain whatever contribution that I can.  Of course it wouldn't have hurt if I had hit the $48 million MEGA Millions Lotto jackpot last night! lol

All good points--and contributing to the community is impotrant.  Those who do see the same provider every time are not contributing.  But there are those for whom individuals have preferences.  That was my only point.  Redistribution of hte wealth is high on my political and presonal priority list, but there are limits (beyond financial) that may make the desire more of an ideal than a practical reality.

ChrisDC20513363 reads

I can tell you that when I was handling the M&G's the first criteria was that someone needed to have 10 reviews. The second criteria was to have 25 posts in the last 6 months (average once a week).

The reason for these criteria were to seperate lurkers from participating hobbyist.

I have sent you the following information that you requested.  The information was:

your name
phone number
your TER/TBD username
email address
2 provider references.

I trust that if you have need of any more information you will contact me.

MnG_Incorporated15472 reads

I will post when replies have been received.

MnG_Incorporated16910 reads

OK, that's unusual.

Most of the time it takes a couple hours for one, another day or so for another, maybe nothing at all.  I think that by contacting his references ahead of time, Snownfire made this process a no brainer.

Everyone should do this! Guys complain that we take too long, well, this is one way to help yourself.

MnG_Incorporated21340 reads

"He is a nice guy and I would say very safe to invite. "

"He is one of my ATF and as a matter of fact I put him on the TER white
list.  Have a beautiful day."

With references like that from well known girls and the number of posts and reviews that Snownfire has, it's easy to decide to invite him to the next Meet & Greet.

If anyone has any questions feel free to post them here or email us at [email protected]

let me get this straight, if we ladies put guys we know to be safe on the white list, that , that helps them, with your reference checks?? ( just making sure I have it right?)

MnG_Incorporated14787 reads

It gives us a place to start.
If a guy is whitelisted by you we'll give you a call first. It's much more likely that you remember the guys you white list than a faceless name from 9 months ago.

So the whitelist helps a lot, but is not automatic.

such beautiful and caring women.  They both are so special.

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