Meet and Greet

Haha, missed our banter, brother -eom-
bond007 31 Reviews 5443 reads
1 / 6


Since TER came back online, I have received 6 PM's asking me to do an LA Meet and Greet.  I am going to set the record straight.  I am out of that biz.  I would be willing to advice, but I am not very active anymore and really have no interest in doing another one.  So, fair warning, if someone else asks me to do one public or private, that message will be ignored.


nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 354 reads
2 / 6

There is no question Bond has more than done his duty for Queen and Country !    we should be all very thankful for his past time and efforts.     Time to pass the torch to a new generation.

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 320 reads
3 / 6

We all had a blast at your M&gs.  And I’m so glad I got to meet with you in person, even though you’re retired.  

I wish you all the best!


Freya Fantasia

beatpoet 81 Reviews 349 reads
4 / 6

I'm just going to find a way to un-retire you.  If only I was a lady...unless you're bi-curious, haha😏

Blofinger 12 Reviews 318 reads
5 / 6

Bond is an icon, but  you are just a beat behind!

beatpoet 81 Reviews 327 reads
6 / 6
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