Meet and Greet

DC M&G Thanks
MnG_Incorporated 18023 reads

First off I'd like to thank the other members of MnG, Inc. for their help with screening, offering opinions on ideas and venues and all the little details.
It was a group effort, especially at the end when everything had to be pulled together.

Thanks to Bbrain, WildTurkey and Jeopcon for watching the door downstairs while everyone else was up partying.

Thanks to for giving us a way to give back. Cindee was happy to have all the clothes you guys brought. The iPod raffle collected $200 to help them out. Congrats Shortyrock! There were also a few people who decided to volunteer their time to help with their outreach programs.

Thanks to Dave Elms for matching the contribution to HIPS.
Cindee told me last week the Fire Dept. had to breakdown their front door for an emergency. So we bought them a door, not very sexy, but it's an immediate need that we helped them with. I guess if they were "behind the green door" it could be sexy.

Thanks to Annabella for the yummy cake. It was great to see people with black tongues running around. LOL

Thanks to our hosts who loved us and invited us back anytime.

Thanks to all of our out-of-town friends for coming to DC. You guys and gals were great and are welcome anytime.

Thanks to the guys for trusting us with your info to be screened. We know it was a leap of faith for some of you.
Thanks for your patience with that as well.

Thanks to the guys who brought ladies with them. MORE = BETTER

Thanks to the ladies for providing references for us and giving the guys a reason to come. Ladies you were just plain HOT!

Most of all I'd like to thank all of YOU for coming out and being part of it all. Despite how big the party was, we really are a small community and I hope this inspires more of you to become engaged with your new found friends in the community.
In the end, if you didn't show up it would have sucked. So thanks and we'll see you next time.
Some of you sooner ;)

-- Modified on 3/16/2007 1:00:24 PM

Well done ! Accolades to all ! And I'm glad to hear they'll let us back in !  Didn't get to meet everyone but look forward to the next one and the opportunity to meet many more terrific guys and ladies.

Well I certainly think you thanked everyone possible but yourself. You did a wonderful job, sacrificed alot of your personal time to put everything together. Also, my hat goes off to you for your comittee concept and listening to what others had to say. Great job Balto!

Kacey_Cummings16434 reads

And to everyone else who had a hand in making this such an outstanding event, including all the eye candy, "thank you".  I think this was the largest and prettiest group of ladies I've ever seen at a M&G.  No one can ever say D.C. doesn't know how to throw a party!  Thanks for inviting me, and I hope to be able to make the next one, too.  


When you said thanks to all the eye candy, you meant me, right? :-)

Oh, you meant the ladies.  Sorry, honest mistake.

Seriously, I'd like to the MnG Inc, and everyone else that helped out, and especially all the beautiful women.

ChrisDC20514051 reads

when you said that for a second I thought you were talking about me, then I realized you meant the other ladies. lol

Redfin15788 reads

Great party. Met lots of terrific people. You all did a fantastic job putting this together. Congratulations. The ladies looked wonderful. Looking forward to the next time.

As WT said so well, you deserive the thanks for all your hard work and efforts. Next time I'll not be late, couldn't hepl myself this time, I think you know why - LOL

~and everyone who was instrumental in making the event such a success.....

From the location to the food to the cake and all of the invitees, just Awesome!!!!

I had a wonderful time and was thrilled to see everyone again as well as meet a few new faces to go with the screen names.

Thank everyone for such a warm welcome and such a wonderful evening......  kisses ~Tori

Just want to add my thanks for a lively, entertaining, and truly enjoyable meet & greet.  It was a pleasure to make some new friends.  And to several of the ladies, your photos don't do you justice.
Please count me in next time.  
[email protected]

Terrific organization, an excellent time was had by all

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