I started writing essays about and taking oral histories from unique people I knew in college. Around 24, I found myself leaving a crappy long term relationship.
I took a trip to Dallas, TX because it was the closest skydiving Groupon I could find for short notice. There was also a booming adult industry there and I happened to watch a documentary about a male review club there. I decided I wanted to try and interview some sex workers.
The first person I met was a transwoman SW. She was sitting on the curb across the parking lot at my hotel. I was walking my dog and noticed her from a distance. As I got closer, I realized she was covered in mud. She was crying and barefoot, her shoes ruined next to her.
When she noticed me, she apologized. She asked if the dog was friendly and could she pet it. When I said yes she started petting the dog and speaking in Latin baby talk and bird calls. My dog fugging loved it. She apologized again for being muddy and crying. She said someone assaulted her and took her money.
I offered to let her shower in my room. She repaid me by using her fake teeth to remove security tags from stuff and gifting it to me so I could dance at a local club while I was in town. I didn’t occur to me the stuff was stolen until she offered to show me where to purchase it. She took me in the dressing room to demonstrate and I almost screamed.
But the highlight of the trip was the male dancer I paid for a session. We ended up getting along and he took me with him to another city. I used my first real butt plug that trip lol. He was a Dom and it was a great experience. I felt much safer than I would have hooking up with a random dude.
I also have stories from spending years around 1%er bikers including wearing a “property patch”, college hippie psychedelic substance free love parties, college hot tub and jungle juice parties, and more.
Would anyone read this book? I don’t mean just from this forum but in general?