Media & Erotic Literature

On a different note ...
Blue.djinn 8 Reviews 2632 reads
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I have been exposed to porn since I was a preteen during the early 1960s. My first exposure was probably a 2 year old playboy magazine that one of my brothers hid upstairs in the pack house. As for the quality of the images, well it was Playboy so very good. As for the quality of the magazine, it was torn, missing the cover pages, missing other pages and some pages were stuck together with some kind of glue. I had no idea what that could have been. I was 10 so therefore clueless. By the time I was 18, I had my own collection of quality porn. Mostly Hustler mags but several others such as Swank, Penthouse and Club.

Then I finally saw a porn movie. It was incredible to actually see this guy who was fairly nice looking having sex with a really hot girl. Well she wasn't exactly model material but she had a nice girlish shape and long hair and was so erotic it was almost a religious event. So I started watching lots of porn videos and various other types of shows including live sex shows. Then came the internet and the whole game changed and at times I'm feeling that it changed for the worse. Because you see, the eroticism has been lost to mostly all but a very few performers online. It went from erotic to in your face disgusting in just a few years and I am so very sad to see it happen. The Cam girls from various countries are competing and most of them have no compunction about doing "Whatever It Takes" to make some money in the porn industry. Thankfully most of the cam sites have rules and sometimes they even enforce them by banning.

When did gaping become a thing? I would think that only a proctologist would be thrilled with that point of view. It does absolutely nothing for me. And this is from a self proclaimed Ass Man. And when did it become nearly mandatory that the girls have anal sex with the guy(s). When did spit become the lubricant of choice and why must it be applied with force?  Back in my day if you forcefully spit on me, it was fighting time. It was a sign of contempt. But then since there is so little eroticism and nothing that even resembles simple affection it's no wonder the next step down is contempt for your sex partner. If you're going to have to resort to spit for lube, at the very least have enough respect to apply it in the proper manner with your mouth in direct contact. I swear the guys in porn seem to be scared of eating pussy and must have learned their techniques in prison!  I promise that if you licked that pussy properly to start with you wouldn't need more spit for entry.

On the other side of the coin, you have the women who ejaculate. Or so some call it. But it's more commonly called squirting. I understand that some guys think it's great. The women that I have spoken to about it say their orgasms are much stronger when they squirt. I have had sex with several women who squirted. One night this one girl completley destroyed a bed. I was in a relationship with a woman who did not squirt. She fucking gushed. Had to have a huge custom made towel to put under her ass during sex. I hated it. That was a big part of the break up. I didn't enjoy sex with her and when sex becomes a chore it's time to fix it or move on.

The anal sex and gaping deals are just one upmanship or status symbols for the women in porn. Taking bigger and longer "things" up their butts in competition with the rest. I can remember when there were fewer than 10 "famous" girls in porn and only 2 or 3 of them did anal sex. It's OK if you don't want that monster cock stuffed up your ass, girls. Despite what you have been told by the so called Casting agents. When I see the tiny little girls they are putting in the videos these days and then I see the huge muscle heads with cocks as big as the girl's legs I cringe just thinking about it.  

I do enjoy seeing all the beautiful young women getting naked and whenever they do a role that requires them to act as though they love their partner and show some type of affection. But that seldom lasts very long before some director wants it to become more rough and then it's slapping time. Too bad the girls aren't allowed to slap them back. Maybe a good pop in the nuts might teach them a lesson.

And my final gripe is this. I realize it's porn and they aren't going to be delivering an effort worthy of an accademy award for the role, but do they all have to be dumber than a stump or a step relative? All of the story line writers in modern porn need to be shot before they can breed and create offspring. (I'm just kidding about folks being shot. Maybe sterilized would be better.)

I want my erotic porn back. Not the Gonzo crap that seems to fill the internet now. We need more people showing respect, affection and a little intelligence wouldn't hurt a bit.

My soapbox is now vacant.
Thank You,

DeClemente 48 Reviews 201 reads
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I grew up in the era before pubic hair became a cardinal sin. My first exposure to porn mags when I was a teen featured every single woman with a bush, so that was my paradigm as far as what a sensual and sexual grown woman looked like. Ever since then, I have remained head over heels turned on by women's pubic hair. Even lightly trimmed or landing strip or some such other aspect of presenting some fuzz down there, and that includes the full bush splattered all over her pelvis. I find it completely natural, normal, feminine, attractive, and very sexy for women to be hairy. When I graduated from merely looking at images of nude women to actually having sex with them, once again, every woman had at least some hair down there. I was in heaven. The visual was now accompanied by the tactile and the olfactory. The feel of that soft fur on my fingers, hands, face, lips, tongue, mouth, cock, balls, stomach, thighs, everywhere, is indescribably delicious.

Then sometime in the 1990's (maybe as early as the 1980's, I'm not sure), the bald pussy became the thing. From its beginning and continuing to this day, I have never been attracted to the bald pussy fad at all. I like grown women to look like grown women. The hygiene argument is also a false narrative, because cleanliness can be achieved on any part of the human body, regardless of the presence or existence of naturally growing hair, just as the lack of cleanliness can. I don't down the people who prefer hairless pussy, women or men. Their preference is their preference, mine just differs from it, that's all. I don't see them as the spawn of the devil, yet some of them shame women who don't shave or wax, and shame men who like it hairy.

An entire generation or two in everyday life went full-tilt along with the bald kitty brigade. For far too long, the porn industry joined or led 100% in lock-step with the bald pussy craze. Hairy pussy porn became a fringe "kink", and was increasingly hard to find for at least a decade. The P4P landscape, which I joined in the late 2000's, was rife with it. As a client, I learned early on not to expect it and definitely not to request it. An escort's financial survival depends on appealing to the largest common denominator, which was clients who prefer bald. Of course, there was also the rare option of women closer to my age who sported at least some hair, sometimes a lot of hair, and when I found them, I was happy as a clam. A bearded clam.

When I read your post, it made me reflect on what I've been noticing for the past couple of years or the past few years: little by little, the popularity of the bush is returning on screen. Far more women in porn are showing bush, and even in real life P4P, it's starting to be a little more available. A couple of the women I see regularly have been willing to go a few days without shaving just prior to a planned session with me.  Some escorts tell me that a few other clients like the hair also. Both industries, porn and sex work, feed on each other or mirror each other in many aspects. Both industries also have a lot of women who just turned 18 years old and/or women who start out in their 20's or 30's. They are part of that younger generation that is less likely to accept women's hairiness. I'm glad to see it changing more toward my preference than the opposite.

Gus_n_MollyPugs 1 Reviews 29 reads
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I will expand upon this in the future, but I began working in 1992 in Los Angeles for the largest Consumer & Industrial Packaging manufacturer/distributor on the west coast at the time up and down the west coast with offices & warehouses from Chula Vista (San Diego), thru L.A., to the SF Bay Area, all the way to Seattle.   Basically any company with a product that had to be packaged, for retail or storage or shipping, came to us.   I was recruited right out of College and went to work in the Marketing and Development/Design department, rising to company VP-Marketing director by 1998 at age 31.   One of the first major success stories I had with the company and which literally vaulted me into the big leagues was working with the San Fernando Valley Adult Entertainment/Porn Companies throughout the 1990s (including all manner of adult toys & novelties.)   From 1993 thru early 2002 I watched and learned all about Porn while designing and producing all the glossy packaging that went with the old VHS & early DVD movies before they both went the way of the dinosaur.   Even after I was promoted to handle the batshit-crazy scene of Silicon Valley in the days of the early PC business (1996-2003) which was packaging intense (remember all the packaging involved getting a PC back in 1999?), I still found time to "oversee" the porn accounts lol.

The Porn Industry went thru a revolution between 1999-2004, with the advent of Gonzo (sex-only) movies, and the implementation across the Board of Safe Sex testing requirements on all Porn sets, as the result of several HIV scandals during that time.   When the sex became "safer", women flocked to the porn companies in increasing numbers through 2009.   I basically retired around 2008/2009 and moved back to my native New England with a trove of insight and knowledge about the industry.   I will share more as the time and opportunity permits.....

Today's porn, with these girls literally starting filming the day they turn 18, is the result of the current younger generations being raised and exposed via the internet, to the porn that has been around since 2000.  

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