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Live life to the fullest...
Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 594 reads

Cause when it your time to go, you're gonna GO!!!    

As a cancer survivor, I was given a second chance in life so I LIVE!!! I don't ever want to regret anything I do... I try to live as a GOOD HUMAN BEING!!! It cost nothing to be a good human being!!!  


I tell my parents to stop saving money and enjoy the finer things. They grew up poor.

I don't need to inherit their assets, so I hope they spend it all before they're gone.

Live each moment as if it were your last. You mean coughing up blood and choking on your own vomit?

I sat and watched my father on life support, for a month and a half,  after his heart surgery didn't go well. I thought about how he'd always worked 2-3 jobs (without ever complaining) so my mother could be a homemaker and care for me...and how he never traveled or had the opportunity to go to fancy restaurants or shows. He finally died, thank God, and his suffering ceased.

During that month and a half, as I watched my "Daddy Boy" dying...I wrote a motto, I live with every day...
"This Is Not A Dress Rehearsal, Make Every Moment Count!"

Posted By: Bendadick.Cuminsnatch
I tell my parents to stop saving money and enjoy the finer things. They grew up poor.  
 I don't need to inherit their assets, so I hope they spend it all before they're gone.
I'm the most successful in my family, and I hope my parents don't leave me anything, they've always struggled and still are in debt.  But on Christmas they talked about going on a cruise, while they still can.  My parents are around 70. So yes, enjoy life, we only get one shot, so make it count!

Myself included I've traveled a little, but need to do more, but definitely set goals, and always remember never to late to learn things.  I started taking guitar lessons 2 years ago, and was told (by some haters)I'll have issues learning because I started at 34, I find it a challenge and I love music.  So go for everything you want in life, because tomorrow is never guaranteed

.dying tomorrow is not on my mind so I don't need to "go for it" every fucking day. Sit back and chill.

After working my ass off to get my career going again after the recent downturn I recently realized that while working so hard I was sitting home watching my life pass me by. So I decided to try the "Richard Petty driving experience" which was fucking awesome. If you like fast cars and driving fast I would highly recommend trying it. Anyhoo, that led to buying a beautiful corvette that I take to the race track every chance I get. I am actually pretty good at it. Will I every be a pro at my age? Nope! I will however enjoy the fuck out of flogging this car on the track every chance I get.

I make love to each woman like SHE might be my last . . . and some day one woman will be.

I know there are several veterans on the boards.  
It's been my experience that we do live each day to its fullest  
Probably because we've seen firsthand how short and fragile life can be.  
My feeling is you're either a spectator or you live it full out.  
No sense having regrets

Cause when it your time to go, you're gonna GO!!!    

As a cancer survivor, I was given a second chance in life so I LIVE!!! I don't ever want to regret anything I do... I try to live as a GOOD HUMAN BEING!!! It cost nothing to be a good human being!!!  


I say I live fast, because I might not be here to have an experience tomorrow.

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