This is one of my recurring OTK fantasies.
I told him I would be coming over.I did not tell him when, he didnt deserve to know. All he needed to know is that I would be gracing him with my presence sometime following our conversation. The courtesy of my appearance was more than enough. I simply told him that when I hung up the phone he should prepare himself for my arrival. I told him to leave the door unlocked and to be waiting on his knees. So when I arrived, it was to no surprise that as I turned the knob, the door swung open. The lights were out, the house was silent and I could hear my own breathing over the creaking of the stairs. Just how I liked it. I AM THE BIG BANG that breaks through the still and infinite darkness, bringing the universe to life, with my light. I reached the top of the stairs and entered the bedroom, he was on bended knees facing the bed. Without turning around he said “please tell me that’s you Goddess, I was afraid to leave the door unlocked for so long” “Stop talking. You’re not going to say anything else today, you’ve already said too much”. I instructed him to turn and face me, as I slipped off my panties. “Open that rude mouth” I said sternly, then shoved the moist and sweaty cloth into his mouth. I retrieved the bondage tape that was buried in my bra and wrapped several layers around his gagged mouth. “Yeah, your not gonna say another fucking word” I spat. Looking down into his brown eyes, staring up at me from the floor, I could see the fear and anticipation, his yearning for punishment. I was just as eager to deliver. I removed his glasses placing them in the top drawer of the nightstand and closed them inside. Then I sat on the night stand and instructed him to rise and remove his underwear, the only bit of clothing he was allowed to wear in my presence. Then I pointed my two fingers down and he bent over my knees, assuming the position, ready to take a spanking. Before I even lifted my hand I could already feel his swelling against my thighs. I told him, “This is a $1200.00 dress. You better not dribble your precum all over it or I will FUCK YOU UP” he let out a muffled whimper, to indicate his compliance. I reached my free hand under his bent over body and gripped his dick, placing it below my hem, between my thighs, so that any “accidents” would just spill onto the floor. Then I raised my hand and began.... To be continued
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Grammatical errors aside, I enjoyed how you defined the protagonist through her inner dialog. A domme SHOULD have thoughts about haughtiness and self-importance walking to their playground. That being said, I would like a bit more care in developing the mental imagery of that character in the reader's heads. What kind of dress is the protag wearing? Lace? Latex? I am sure the image in your mind of this scene is very, very strong. I would like a little more detail to peek into your brain and also see what you're seeing.
Choice-wise, protag only "told" him not to fuck up her dress? Consider using stronger vocabulary to convey emotion. "This is a twelve hundred dollar dress," (I hissed.)
In my opinion, add some contempt to the protag's speech to emphasize the power gap between the two."You better not dribble all over it with (your pathetic) precum..." I would like to steer the speech more towards embarrassment than coldness.
Of course, take this all with a grain of salt, because most erotica readers happen to be female. If you know what women want to read about, those would be the central thoughts you should have as you continue writing. If I were the unnamed man on his knees, I would want to be obedient to win the protag's approval, so she can reward me. She is my goddess, after all.
The first slap alway brings me immense pleasure. Some like to pace there impact play, and deliver blows in intervals of increasing intensity. With each blow incrementally more severe than the last. I am not of that camp. The first blow is meant to wake the senses, to call the room to attention, to remind this creature, WHY I AM HERE.
I am here to deliver punishment, there is not chance of mercy, there will be no reprieve. I raise my hand above my shoulder and let it linger in the air for a moment, studying his breath. I can tell he is holding it, probably subconsciously. But with the full weight of his body on my lap I can tell. The instant he exhales I bring my arm crashing down, my hand rebounding from the mighty slap. A proper slap, will have some bounce to it. Both the the slap and the screech breaking through the silent darkness and reverberating in the room. Even as he was anticipating it, this blow still caught him by surprise. I dont know which sound gave me more pleasure, my palm connecting his flesh, or his muffled shrieks that immediate follows. It would even be the warm, tingling sensation on my palm after delivering such a wallop. It’s one that I miss. I know my had will be just as red and the bottom I am warming up. And so I raise my arm high and bring it crashing down again. And again. And again. Finding a rhythm is the crash, shriek, crash, screech that is reminiscent of tap dancing. Slap after slap, I get more and more aroused by the combination of tactile and audible stimulant. I feel the beads of sweet collecting on his back. So I reach into my bra again and retrieve the second surprise of the evening. A beautiful steel anal plug, tapered to an egg shape at one end, with a blue crystal heart on the handle. I roll it into the sweat pooling into the crevices on his back, tracing his spine from the back of his neck down to his ass.
I say, “I bet you want to cum, don’t you?”
“Mmmmmm” is all he could muster.
“Your going to cum with a full ass?”
“Mmmm mmmm”
“You’ve got a phat ass, like a stripper you know that. An ass like this is just begging to be filled with something”
WHACK* “I expect more enthusiastic responses from you, I putting something fun in this greedy little asshole of yours. FUCKING THANK ME”
“mmmk mmmuu mmm mmm”
“Much better. Now reach back and spread these fat ass cheeks of yours.
And that’s exactly what he did. I click on the lamp beside me on the nightstand, just for a moment, to admire his pretty pucker. It was a beautiful little whole. I spat into in and slowly pushed the plug in. His moans giving me the motivation to pull it out and push it deeper it. When it was all the way down to the handle, his cheeks closed right up around it and it was out of site. I flicked the lamp off. And WHACK started another round again. Bearing in mind that now with each slap against his ass would send a new sensation deep into his anus and he clenched the beautiful plug in his tight hole.
To be continued....
My palms grew hot as his bottom reddened. I delighted in my own pain as much as his, the stinging, tingling sensation that was almost an itch, always arouses me in a way that nothing else can. My hand would be sore in the morning. And just like a wrist after throwing the winning punch in a brawl, or my own thighs after an hour of incline training, I would be proud of the sourness. It would be evidence of a job well done. It would be the signature of disciple well delivered. Another bout of increasingly hard slaps on his ass and his sounds of anguish, gave way to sounds of ecstasy. There was a rhythmic pressure of his groined coming into my thighs. He was fucking me.
“You horny little bitch.” I said sternly. “It’s bad enough you can’t go a few weeks without spilling your load before you start crying and begging to masturbate, but now you can’t EVEN take a spanking without trying to get your dick touched.
Ok. You want to cum so bad. I’ll make you cum. I’m going to fuck you so deep into your ass you are going to think you have a vaginal back there.”
I gripped his dick so roughly, that although he remained gagged, I’m certain the neighbors heard him howling. He was thick and I could feel his pulse against my tingling palm. And I only kept squeezing, tighter and tighter.
“How do you like this, this is what you wanted all along. I’m touching your cock. Oh would you like me to jerk it off now. Cause I’ll pull it clean off if you fucking test me.”
I lead him from the nightstand to the bed on this very short, very thick leash and told him to bend over the edge.
When I released him he let out a sigh of relief. I went over to the closet, flicked on the light, pulled out the tackle box and retrieved the key from my bra. The lock was still as I had left it. It did not appear to be tampered with. I turned my key in the lock and opened the box, stared in at the large black strap on, velcro harness and unopened bottle of lube that I left inside on my last visit.
As my right leg when into the harness the was a sudden rush of wetness flowing from my pussy down my thigh. I turned away from the closet to see him in full view, still bent over the bed, perched really, with his ass in the air like the horny bitch I’ve always known him to be, just waiting for me to return the bedside and stuff him full of this toy that he doesn’t get to play without my presence. The anal plug was twinkling at me, the light that now crept into the room from the other side of the closet door, reflected on its handle. I leaned my back against the wall and rubbed my own wetness all over my pussy. It was amazing to be looking at him, eagerly wanting to experience the type of please I was giving myself at his expense. I drenched the dildo in lubricant. Sliding it into my pussy, and fucked myself against the wall while rubbing my clit. My orgasm came much faster that I expected, I guess I was more excited to be here than I realized. All I could think about while filling my own self with this massive toy, was how much better it would feel to be fucking him with it too. So I pull out the dildo, stepped my left leg into the harness to pull it up, then stuck the slippery dildo into its slot and turned it until it snapped into place. Then I approach the bed. The lube was still cool to the touch, and when I poured it down the crack of his ass, there was the slightest shock from him at it touched his sensitive anus. I massaged just around the the rim of his ass with my fingertips. Teasing him, as he moaned begging for me enter him. I slowly pulled the plug out of his ass, listening for the inaudible pop, as the egg shaped bulb escaped his sphincter. I filled my palm with lube and stroked the already slippery strap and positioned my myself to enter him.
My knee came in so swiftly there was no way he could have prepared himself or anticipated it. He took the entire blow, evenly distributed between both balls. And had less that a second to react before the fullness of the strap was plunged so deeply into his ass that his aching balls were kissing my pussy through the harness.
“There is NO PLEASURE without pain”
“Arrrruuuuhhhhhgghhh” he groaned
“I can’t hear you. Take that ridiculous thing off your face.”
Immediately. He started fighting with the layers of tape encircling his mouth and head. A struggle that only got worse as I thrusted in and out of his ass, with slow, deep, deliberate strokes. In the soft light coming from the closest I could see his trembling hands, finally breaking through. He spit the underwear out with a moan and I entered him with another stroke.
“There is NO PLEASURE without pain”,
I repeated. And another stroke to follow.
“It is.....only .....
through pain, that I.....
That I may..... ughhhhh. It is only THROUGH PAIN, ....that I may I know the value of pleasure. Oohhhhhh. Thank you MIStresss. Mmmmmm.” He dug his nails in the bed spread, as if to stabilize his mind as he completed the mantra.
I continued, “True freedom is the freedom masculine folly”
“Submission to Maitresse Amina is
.....an HONor AhN A GIFT...
I hope to be worthy.”
Like a shark that smells blood in the water, hearing him repeat the mantra so perfectly throughout his moans and whimpers, I became frenzied. My own sadistic pleasure taking over. Stroke after stroke, with more speed and more intensity. My strap became a full extension of my dominance over this creature and I was in no rush to have it end.
I was in a zone where there was nothing but the sensation of the thick silicone going in and out of his body. I could feel all of it. There was no place where the toy ended and I began. It was fully a part of me. I don’t know how long I lingered in this trance, only that I was pulled out of it by the sound of my own name. Somewhere in the white noise, his moaning recitations that had faded into the atmosphere, the pleading of my name, reached me.
“Please Mistress, May I cum now.
Pleee see. Mistress I um clo ose. May I cum. I cahant hold it Mistress.”
I gripped his balls and said, “I CAN hold it for you. This helps. Doesn’t it. I’ll just squeeze them so nothing can escape. How are you going to cum when all your spunk is trapped in your nutsack.”
“Uhhhhh....ahh...uhhh”. More moans, nothing intelligible. So I continued to stroke. Slow again, but just as deep.
“Have you forgotten your fucking manners?”
“Tahank cue Mistress....
Uhhhoooh, Please may I cahum neow.”
I like to write erotica as a male sadist. So it's nice to see it from a female sadist's eyes as well.