Media & Erotic Literature

The Deuce
Fridays117 27 Reviews 1407 reads

Looks interesting.  Wonder if they'll get it right.  I was  someone who spent a lot of time down there in NYC in the late 80's and early 90's pre-Giuliani and pre-Disnyification.  It was a wild and crazy part of the city.

The show looks like it tells the story about how "The Deuce" became what it became.  From "Times Square" to  A Wonderland of sex and porn shops, peep shows, topless bars and x rated theaters.

It was a land of "firsts" for me. Its where I first saw an X rated porn film, felt my first naked tit and naked pussy through a roll up peep booth window.  Got my first hand job through one of those windows.  Lost my virginity to an all glass (no touch) peep booth gal.  Paid her 20 bucks to fuck herself with a dildo while I jerked off and was talking to her on the intercom phone. When she got off work we met at a coffee shop on Broadway and hit a cheapo Times Square hotel.  That was 1987. I was 19.  She was my first "provider".  Cost me 140 bucks plus the room.

Kinda shaped who I am now too.  Been seeing providers my whole life.  Been with more hookers than civvies thats for sure.  Not necessarily a bad thing.  Hell, I might have more female stripper and/or provider friends than people I know in civilian life (and I know a lot of people).  Ah, The Deuce... nostalgia.

I remember the pre-Disney area. The McDonalds on 42nd used to be a multi-level pornucopia with slide up window booths on the lower level. I wonder what would happen if I were to ask a pretty McD server, "$2 top? $5 bottom?"  
Or if I were to order a burger and she said to me, "Would you like pussy with that?"

-- Modified on 8/14/2017 3:24:04 PM

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