Media & Erotic Literature

Did you know there was a time when prostitutes were considered sacred healers. This is a great book
SuzanneNYC See my TER Reviews 6146 reads

There were times in many ancient cultures when prostitutes were considered sacred healers such as Ancient Greece and their worship of Aphrodite.  Also, Ancient Rome and Venus

No doubt you'd have thrived then, not that you're not doing so now!

...In the Company of the Courtesan, which is set in Italy during the 1500's.  I found it interetsing, that even then, their was a town book, where gentlemen could leave reviews.

   I will definitely pick up The sacred Prostitute.

Hugs and Kisses,

The series "Harlots" also features "Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies" which was a reviewing publication that actually existed in 18th century London!

I just finished reading Kushiels Dart which I've fallen in love with! hehehe. I'd recommend it as a must read!  It beautifully conveys the ways of a sacred prostitute!

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