Massage Parlors

Popular rating site problem
sympathyforthedevil 55 Reviews 2204 reads

They aren't taking CC. Only BTC for fees? Anyone else see that?

Yeah, I saw that also. I wonder how many subscribers they lost because of it? I know a lot of people were not happy about the change in accepted payment.

I stopped subscribing as I also found the site problematic in a number of ways. I do think it is good in determining if a shop is erotic or non erotic, but honestly, that's about it as there is so much YMMV involved in the interactions, IMO.

I suspect they probably lost 90% of their subscribers. Very few reviews are now posted. Comments are also sparse. Plenty were not happy that the site did nothing about all the fake reviews that were generated. Once you lose that trust, it's hard to get it back.

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