Massage Parlors

I have on longer dates more then once gave a FBSM to a provider.
scoed 8 Reviews 19631 reads

When there will be plenty of time to get mine. I have also give my wife one from time to time sometimes without reciprocation. It is all good clean dirty fun. Pleasing can be as much fun as being pleased.

milatequila17415 reads

do u gents ever like giving the massage?
just recently was treated to spa day by a client, he had me hop on the table and gave me the FBSM!

milatequila22434 reads

no, its still a FBSM, but the question was if any gents/ladies liked reversing things.

why post behind an alias? seems weird for this forum.

Is there anything neater than oiling up a gal's body then sitting on their ass while kneading their back?

When there will be plenty of time to get mine. I have also give my wife one from time to time sometimes without reciprocation. It is all good clean dirty fun. Pleasing can be as much fun as being pleased.

I give it to my ATF, along with a soaking and dripping happy ending

rackne17420 reads

Yes. I like to massage them first just so they spend more time naked. Some girls really appreciate being on the recieving end. At some of the spas I go to they now ask me for a massage. With my current fave, I massage her one week and she massages me the next week. I find that rubbing all over her body is very arousing. My only problem is that she loves a foot massage.

Enjoy this very much, and it's a good way to get to that comfort level we both need to enjoy the experience.  Oh,  and when will you be travelling to Just wishing :). Gw

Posted By: milatequila
do u gents ever like giving the massage?
just recently was treated to spa day by a client, he had me hop on the table and gave me the FBSM!

of regular AMP hobbying I actually got damned good at it.  I found it was an incredibly useful way to get my favorite ladies to "throw out all the rules".

I had become a regular at 7 or 8 places so they all new I was legit.  I would go ahead and accept the "table shower" if for no other reason than that it let them assure themselves I was "squeakly clean" and also because I fuckin loved it!!!

Once back in the room and with the tip politely left on the table (usually next to a small cd player oozing some exotic oriental tunes), I would suggest that they get comfortable and lie down so I could start things off by giving them a message.  They were always surprised (the first time) but delighted to take me up on the offer.

One plus was that it quickly got them buck naked so I could enjoy the view.  I would drop my towel and then stradle their lower back (careful not to place my weight upon them) and then proceed to begin with a thorough kneeding of their shoulders, back, neck, arms and even head.  Careful to regulate my pressure based upon both what I was working on as well as their response to it as we went.  I received many compliments (ooooh nice!, you have done this before no?, etc.).  I never became really skilled at massaging the hands and fingers but I did take a stab at it.

Once finished with the upper back, I would slide myself downward, letting junior and the boys glide brush over the lower back and down the butt crack as i would position myself over the back of their knees and then proceed to kneed the buttocks, hips and upper thighs.  After using just the right amount of pressure with my hands and fingers working downward, I would brush the tips of my fingers ever so very lightly across the back of her upper thighs and then buttocks, just enough to generate a tingle, occasionally brushing against her exposed labia or anus, just for nanoseconds to hint and what was to come.

Continuing to slide downward, I would work her lower things and calves, again with the strong kneeding pressure and I worked down and with the brush of finger tips as I contined back up.  The back side of the knee can be terrifically responsive to this.

When I got to the feet I would kneed each thoroughly in it's turn and once rubbed and relaxed I would take a toe into my mouth and worship it, much as they seem to our tool when going down on us.  First one toe, then another, sometimes two at a time but making certain that they each got proper attention.

When it was time for them to flip, I would say they were almost always flush and moist.  I would repeat the kneeding of their legs as I moved upward.  The upward trip always seemed to go a little quicker.  Perhaps it was that all the goodies were in sight or just that by now my raging hard on was craving attention.

When I get to the hips I would be cautious to perhaps only brush across the pubes with the lightest of back of finger touch and then rub and kneed the belly and arms before moving into gentle kneed and caress the breasts.  It was usually at this point that I would engage my mouth with the lightest of licks or kisses to first one nipple and then the other then moving up to the mouth where and warm, wet deep french kiss was almost never rejected and usually returned with fervor.

At this point I would usually begin a little gentle daty and dato which met with ardorous response and at that point it was off to the races and I recall few orifices or suggestions which were denied.

Yes, I love giving massages!!!

An Absolute YES. I have been told I am rather good. Usually I try to work it in to "show" the ladies some new techniques or what feels really good. I also think it is a must since we are different and it is an excellent way to learn new things. Ever wonder why Tantra ladies have such good skills? Its because there tends to be more mutual massage with the focus on the OTHER one pleasure!
I guess you can call me cheep but I do not like to spend too much time on my dime. I would be happy to pay for an great massage but her massage would be on her time.

...when time & the lady involved permits me to.  Love giving massages to women!  It's a big turn-on for me.
And the ladies.  I had a massage therapist teach me some of the basics years ago.  There are some simple tricks of the trade that enhance the experience.  

I had one gal fall into deep slumber while I massaged her. She was totally relaxed, and quite appreciative, and she showed her appreciation when it came turn for my massage!

Is there any better way than to massage a lady to get to know all the intimate details of her body.  What a turn on !  I am a major giver of massage.

Although, very few WGs have ever let me do this.  Which is somewhat disappointing.

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