Massage Parlors

Hints at more?
peterpuck 6 Reviews 3578 reads

Hello.  Wondering what people think here.   If we go to a spa, or very much known Massage....usually there are nice sheets and sometimes a little blanket.    

Other places, we know that if no real massage table available, or no other sense of a "clinical" place....or based on reviews or ad, we know what may be available.  Typically, after a time of massage....very slight, light touches of fingers is enough to signal "more ' lol

What about a place in professional building....very clean place and friendly...that does give great massages....yet, only has a towel rolled up instead of a "top sheet" to match the bottom sheet....what seemed off limits with a few massagers (Chinese)....yet two other massagers..,,maybe in 20's ...with a different approach massaging leg, yet staying away from the butt and close but not touching the boys....yet with a light touch while still on my stomache....and time to time allowing her leg to brush my arms at side ( I allowed my finger to move along her protest...) I didn't ask for more.  If they really do NOT want to offer more I don't want to insult them.....yet was very moved.....I am thinking to schedule another time later this week (yes have been available yet not onsite until the appointment time).    I may ask in a kidding way about "sensual touch is a turn on" and see what she does or acts?

Steve_Trevor365 reads

What did you do with the rolled up towel?

I have gotten HE's at clinical medical looking places in medical buildings, and have been denied at well known monger havens. There really is no hard fast rule. Each provider is different, not only within the spa but with each customer. The only thing you can do is try to grease the skids (so to speak). Try laying out the tip money discreetly on a table under your phone but visible enough for her to see. Try some light touching of her legs before the flip. After the flip you can ask or use hand gestures for a HJ. If you have been polite up to this point the worst she can do is say no. Then just finish up the massage and move on. Whether you want to try again with her is up to you. Some gals need a few visits before they feel comfy with a customer......some will never give a HE. It's all part of the hunt, which is a big enticing factor for many of us. Good luck!

telling way to know if things are going to get interesting.

If she will meet your gaze and hold it while you both smile, that is a very good indicator that you can now begin to ask questions like:   Do you do extras for generous men?

If she averts your gaze, or breaks it off abruptly, then things aren't going anywhere.

GaGambler403 reads

telling way to know if things have already gotten interesting. Especially if my dick has made "contact" with her mouth or pussy. lol

Seriously though, the way I can usually tell if things are going to get interesting in a place I've never been to and don't know what to expect is to wait until she is at the head of the table reaching over you to massage your back, neck or whatever and then start gently stroking her legs, if you can get all the way up to her ass without her moving your hands away, you are almost certainly in for some extras. If she lets you actually massage her butt you most likely are going to find FS on the menu.

You also mention the "rolled up towel" one other little signal you can send her is to NOT cover yourself up with that towel. Lie face down on the table with your butt cheeks exposed and see if she immediately covers you, if she pats you on the butt before covering you up, or if she just starts in massaging your butt. lol

CaptainRenault386 reads

There are only two possibilities: YES she will jerk you off (or more), or NO she will not.

IF she does do extras, then a gentle touch of the thigh, maybe a grazing of the butt, will probably get you a question about the tip, or maybe she will just go for it, assuming you will tip.  If she starts with a hand job, my experience says you have about a 1/3 chance of a bj.  If she goes from hj to bj before you can ask, then odds are 100% you will get a blow job!  LOL

IF she absolutely does not do anything but a massage, and it is a really good therapeutic massage, relax and enjoy it.  If it is a shitty light-touch bullshit massage, ask for another masseuse before you get too far along -- like, say, ten minutes....

I once had a girl tease me for half an hour and then say she NEVER does more.  I asked to see the mama-san, who switched girls.  Got a nice HE HJ.

Also, recommend Party Manny's massage videos on one of the porn sites.  Funny subtitles and actually a good instructive set of videos....

From experience I’ve learned girls expect to be offered the chance to offer more. Obviously ymmv with each different situation but I would say yes by all means push the envelope to see how far you can go. Just remain a gentleman and the worst that happens is she says no.

Back in 2008-2011 I had cultivated a fun time at a Dallas area “clinical” massage therapy facility where I was working for a bit. The workers were mostly young Asians but they dressed in baggy medical scrubs.  

I’d decided to go balls to the wall when I was ushered into the room with no massage table just a platform with that same small towel rolled up. I started stripping as the greeter was still in the room and then waited for the tech to finally come I. I had just dropped my boxers as she came in. Her eyes dropped to my erect member immediately as I stepped in for a hug. She was flustered and I loved it - I didn’t feel any bra or panties under the scrubs!!

I asked her face up or face down and she told me face down - I wagged my erect phallus at her and said that’ll hurt!!  She smiled and guided me onto the table sliding that rolled towel under me above my groin. She reached between my legs and arranged my package, rubbed my butt and whispered in my ear if I was comfy.  

I got the best massage of my life!!  Hot oil!  Hot stones!  Talk about teasing!!  Light feather touches!  An oiled finger sliding in and out of my butthole. An oiled hand stroking me as that magical finger was in my ass!!  Brought me to the edge acouoke times!

On the flip she totally ignored my groin for the longest time and I started to doze and close my eyes only to open them finding her naked standing at the side of the platform. She leaned in and spoke in my ear saying something like wanna fuck me?  I obviously whispered yes and she asked you tip and I nodded. She restarted my massage settling her pussy on my face so I could play as she continued to massage me and ignore my cock for what seemed like forever.  

Thankfully she started playing with me and slowly settled her pussy onto me. I lasted for almost forever (just kidding) before I popped my nut into the cover. She crawled off me, cleaned me up and I tipped her as I left. She gave me their business card with her name work days and times. Yes, I visited her often during that work assignment.  

As a result of that experience I always get nude in front of as many women in the facility as possible - yes I like doing that. I also hug them getting a feel. Before covid I came across a young Asian who wasn’t phased by my advances to the point that during the table shower she slid a soapy finger in my butt hole and kept it there for quite a while. I just looked back at her and said that feels good. That was the cleanest my butthole has been in a long time. After the table shower she dried me off and slipped my dick in her mouth as she was drying my feet. I get an awfully good massage and she either sucks me off or I fuck her each time.

I got my start in this hobby 10 years ago, with a AMP in Redwood City.  After a variety of experiences over the years,  I have evolved to this approach.

I like a Happy Beginning.  I lie down face up (and boner up ! )with nothing on.  When she comes in and puts on a towel, I pull it off.  Then I  reach up to rub her breasts or legs, which ever I can touch.  She will often stand there with a slow non-erotic rubbing on my front, until we have settled down.  If she does not put the towel back, then that is a good sign we are a go.    I have under the pillow the tip, which I give to her.  She puts it in to her pocket and proceeds with a great HJ.  After clean up, I flip and get a great back massage.  I am totally relaxed and enjoy it more than a Happy Ending.

Once in Montana, I needed some relief.  I tried the same, but she pulled the towel back on.  Finally I reached under the towel, and massaged my self to climax.  She continued to massage the rest of me.  Actually it was kind of fun.

These gals have to be wary of LE, and might conclude that anyone this bold may be trying to sting them.  

Being more circumspect may be in order.

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