
Have you been to The Private Affair club in Port Deposit?
Razorfish1801 47 Reviews 1381 reads

I am going with my girlfriend to The Private Affair social club in Port Deposit this Friday night for the first time. Have any of you gone? Is it possible to have sex with other couples? Were people attractive? What time do things heat up? Thanks for any tips you can give us.

TPA, been years but used to go all the time with my ex. Helps if your girlfriend is Bi and enjoys that. Most couples are nice looking, but as in all walks of life there are lots of looks. What is sexy to one, maybe not someone else

Don't be pushy and don't expect anything, is the best way to go

Enjoy and maybe enjoy playing with each other in a room with the doors open

Everyone is very couple friendly. Nothing is forced and you may want to bring your own bottle. A buddy of mine host his parties there alot. DannyBlaq. He usually bring a few girls to play with if you want to play with them as well.

I've been twice and the ladies couldn't keep there hands off me. The men just watched LOL. As far as looks, you'll find some that's attractive and some not so much. There are plenty of rooms with different themes to play in. There's food and a DJ along with a stage and dancing poles.  

You'll have a great time. There's even lockers to keep your stuff in and a shower.  

I'm sure you'll have fun😉

I agree with the other comments about bi ladies making it easier to find couples...also if you are enjoying your wife with another man also makes it easier to find playmates.  Of course consider playing with each other privately or be a porn star that others can watch on the dance floor.  Enjoy!

That seems to be the message. Start playing and then others will join.

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