
Question for the Ladies & Gents: What steams you up or cools you down? PIC
KathleenHoliday See my TER Reviews 4119 reads

I am sitting by the pool, drinking a virgin mojito, perusing through very non-virginal photos unbeknownst to others around me.  My mind took to wandering.  What do y'all do to steam things up or cool your girlie or manly parts down in the southeast.

I'll start:

Going pantiless on a hot night in my favorite sundress.

Ice cubes...refreshing... yet make my nipples stand at attention.

Sticking my hand naughtily between a companion's legs at a stoplight with the top down.

Any ideas, don't leave me hanging. ;)

-- Modified on 7/24/2012 1:01:54 PM

I love playing with candles and Ice.. Red lights always lead to trouble because I think we are in the red light district and anything goes ;-)

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