Los Angeles

Ploppers 25 Reviews 1181 reads

How much of provider’s fees go to their agency?

When I used to work for an agency say the show up fee is $200 usually the agency gets the majority, $150 + you have to tip the person who booked your date, so the goal is to always make tips. The providers who work for an agency lives off of tips.

They took 75%?!? That's absurb. And, this is why I avoid agencies. They should be taking the 25% end of it. It's the lady who is doing all of the work.

You would know he is talking about Kgirls, but thanks for answering a question nobody asked.  Lol

But the feeling is that you're most likely referring to K-Girl agencies, right?
But my guess is that the young lady will probably clear half, maybe a tad more. If she's a traveling girl who gets shipped here there and everywhere then half,  maybe?
Maybe that's why BB is offered, to make up the take home pay for the young girl.
But no one will itemize a list for you here..so we can only guess.
What's your guess?? Half?

My guess is half, that’s why they want to go independent  
but if they’re not from US, they can’t do it. Also, they need
a place to host & need to market themselves on Eros
or another site, which can be expensive.

Unless they have some “no compete clause” in their agreement and no to go after the client base.
But here’s what could happen. The agency or someone affiliated could extort,threaten the young lady into a monthly payment and or free services.
If she’s a high earner or if she skips out on a debt then they could probably make her life hell, here and at home. After all, they do have her info and word can get out to her family.
It’s just a thought…. So my guess is that it’s not worth it.

Most of the fee goes to the agency.  So guess what women tend to work for agencies, at least in the USA?  Probably a lot of them are being trafficked!  I don't want any part of seeing a lady unless she well over 18, preferable over 30, and is fully doing it of her own free will.  About the only ladies from agencies I would see in the USA are from K-girl agencies.  

Another factor is I did once use an agency in the DC area and it was raided a few months later and shut down.  I had some concerns that my info might have gotten in the wrong hands, but nothing ever came of it.  The lady I saw was a native of the USA and very into it.  Probably close to 30+ so in that case I think she was doing it of her own free will.  

But on another occasion, I saw a lady from an agency and.....well, let's just say that I was giving serious thought to calling the trafficking hotline myself.  It was obvious she didn't want to be doing it and was being pressured.  But in the end I didn't report because I just didn't want to take the potential risk.  I felt very sorry for her and had a real problem with what appeared to be going on.  

All that said, agencies in Europe I will not hesitate to use.  They seem much better and usually the lady making the arrangements is very proficient in English.  The lady that shows up might not be at all proficient in English, but the negotiation is already done.  Unfortunately trafficking also seems to be an issue in Europe.  Some countries there just ignore it as long as the lady of over 18, but will still totally come down on the agency if they are under 18.  In my opinion both situations are very wrong.  

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