Los Angeles

When a Provider is a No Show
Midas30 1299 reads

Hello Everyone,

I am writing today because a few days ago I scheduled a meeting with a Provider and she agreed to a session on November 2.  Unfortunately when November 2 came, she failed to show up at the Outcall location.  I waited for her for thirty minutes before I decided to leave.  

While I understand in life things happen or Providers may opt to not see certain clients for whatever reason(s), if that were the case, all the Provider had to do was either E-mail or text me and call off the appointment; I would have been okay with her decision.  However, that's not what she did.  She chose to ghost me despite me trying to contact her multiple times before the time of our appointment.  As a result, she wasted my time unnecessarily by having me drive one hour to the Outcall location without so much as the common decency to inform me she wasn't going to be there.  

Secondly, I am a Trader by profession and on average I make about $1,500-$3,300 per day in the Market.  In order to meet with the Provider, I had to modify my schedule for the day just so she and I could meet.  Had she canceled the appointment accordingly, I could have continued my daily trading activities in the Market.  But because I had to go and meet with her, and without knowing she wouldn't be there, on that day she cost me $1,500 to $3,300 in revenue and opportunity cost in the Market.

Within this industry when a Client fails to cancel in a timely manner or fails to show up for an appointment, a Provider would either impose a penalty fee in the form of donation forfeiture or simply blacklist the patron in question.  I like to pose the question if the reverse were true: what course of action(s) should be imposed on a Provider if she were to not show up for an appointment with a patron?  

I wish for everyone who is reading this post to understand that while a Provider's time is valuable, a patron's time is equally as valuable and should be respected as such.      

I have had that happen to me several times over the last couple of years. I call it the "magic 90-minute window."  Where the date gets canceled 90 minutes before the date is supposed to start.  Even if you get notified it's still painful.  I remember in Las Vegas I stayed and extra night and made dinner reservations to see a particular lady. I get an email from the booker 30 minutes prior the time the date was supposed to start telling me she has to cancel.  This same lady charges a $500 No show fee, If I cancel.  The solution is to just walk away and NEVER contact that lady again.  Were all paying big bucks to do this hobby. There is no reason to let anyone treat you like that.  It's powerful to walk away because you still have your money and she is not going to get it, EVER.

I waited 2 hours once (because, yeah, she was that hot). No call, no show, total ghost, and of course I never contacted her again. Not much more you can do but find another lady for the night. It's happened quite a few times to me with independents. Never happens with k-girls. But that's a whole 'nuther discussion.

Yep. Never had a kgirl ghost me. Bookers are pretty good about keeping a client updated and will let you know at the time of booking if a girl won't be available. Never had a same day cancellation. I wish indies were that reliable.

I have been ghosted by providers in the past. I do incalls, and I'm not booking at times that would cost me money, so the impact is smaller. I typically walk away and never contact them again. The reality is that if you continue seeing ladies, this is likely not the last time. There are more than enough ladies that you should not feel the need to compromise your schedule and lose money to see one. Choose another that works for you. When it's that difficult to book her, that's a red flag for me.

I am very sorry this happened to you it’s very unprofessional to not communicate when life happens. I would never do this & respect your time as much as mine. Thanks for sharing the provider who ghosted you because it’s appreciated. Hug & kiss to you!

I made an appointment for 10 Am. I got there at 9:40 and texted her that I was early and already there and we could meet whenever she is ready. She texted back that she will be ready at 10 as scheduled. at 10:01 I texted her if she was ready.  at 10:03 I drove away. She texted me at 10:10 she she needs 5 more minutes. I texted back . take all the time you need as I am gone already.

At 10:03 lmfao... Some of the best providers I have been with have been 5 minutes late.

If I am going to be late you will know before because I pride myself in communication. Life happens.

Exactly. You know you are going to be late so why not let the other person know ahead of time. They maybe able to do an errand or something in that time instead of sitting and waiting not knowing when you will be ready. I have zero tolerance for disrespect in any shape or form.

You should definitely make friends with a certain concierge who you can email me about.. She understands and loathes that type of flaky feral cat behavior and would find you someone else who is available and equally as hot!  

I see that you provided a related P411 link.  Well, it's no longer active.  So either she deactivated it or P411 did.  If you are using P411 and take the time to report ladies that do this shit, P411 will remove them from the site for bad behavior once a pattern is established.  I have gotten multiple ladies banned or suspended from P411 for less than what happened to you.  In my profile on P411, I also clearly state at what point I will report a lady for jerking me around.  If a lady initially says she would like to meet with me and we seem a go, sometimes when I do send an appointment request, I will see she logged in and just ignored it.  That alone will cause me to report someone to P411.  Of course I wait awhile in case they just need more time t verify their schedule.  I take great pleasure at getting these types of rude ladies banned from P411.  If they can't make it, I at least expect them to take the time to let me know.  If a lady says she wants to meet me, I send an appointment request, she clearly logs in and sees it, but then just ignores it, she is someone who probably should not be in P411.  There are lots of "back page" like sites for the rude ladies t use.  

I had something like this happen recently.  What was worse is I already knew this particular lady.  We had met once before and she claimed to be super excited to see me again.  Then she was a no show the day of.  No response to my text or anything.  I waited a few more days for her to explain herself incase there was a medical emergency or something.  Turns out her profile on P411 had already been shut down.  But I sent copies of all my communication with her to P411 anyhow to help ensure she stayed off P411.  

It’s crazy to me ! But not unheard of  

And hopefully she has a review site you can place her review for  

The other part that bothers me are providers to who off with required deposits that they aren’t willing to return when they don’t show up  

I on the other hand - have always offered a discount for my f- ups - and when I realized what made sense to me I no longer felt it was fair to ask for a “full” ammount of session - how can I ask for that if I cannot offer to fully comped session When I don’t show up -  

So my suggestion to you for the future is look more into someone and ask about how these things work and whether or not they have a review site - no dedicated provider ever wants a bad review especially when it comes to being a no show

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