Los Angeles

“Houses” and agencies
TheTunneler 35 Reviews 1042 reads

There were “houses” in NYC like Julie’s and the Victorian where you go in and see several girls lounging in the reception area waiting to be chosen by a client. And in LA there were several really good agencies like Platinum Connections.  Anything like that still around?

Those were the days. And you probably also remember Break 4 Lunch--a similar (sister?) enterprise.  How I miss that amazing and reliable group of talented young women.

I've not come across their equal in all the years since. Andrea Sugar had a good group for a while, but I lost touch. I infer from the state of play that most women do just fine as independents.

I remember getting a few great clients from Andrea back in the day... I've personally always been independent from day one but she was amazing to me. I had the pleasure of doing some Doubles sessions with a few of  the women she represented and they were beautiful and very sweet. I also had great dates with the men that used her services that I was recommended to.I took a break for a few years and haven't heard anything from her since being back...I wonder if she still around. She was top notch!

OMFG--you in a doubles session?! I swoon at the very thought.

Yes Andrea always had a great group of talented and open minded ladies. She still does. I don't remember Break 4 Lunch, tho. They must have snuck under my radar back in the day 😁

Is Andrea Sugar same Andrea assistant from LVC ( Le VIP Collection)? Has anyone used LVC ?  
There was a group of eastern european ladies in MDR - Charming Friends. Alina Grace and Kristina Tease were from that group. I guess they are no longer active ...

No I don't believe Andrea ever worked for LVC. I think she's always been an independent booker and didn't work for an agency. I'm still on the mailing list for LVC, and some of their girls are definitely worth a visit. I remember seeing Alina Grace at least once in the past and she was marvelous...a much better session than I had imagined.  

Andrea is definitely still active and has a lovely stable of girls. I haven't seen any of them in at least a year, and this thread is giving me the itch to give her a call 👍

You and me both. When she was on, she was on!

I was referred to her by a fellow reviewer , sent her a couple of emails. She did not get back to me yet .

I had a pleasure of getting acquainted with Andrea , she is a wonderful person.

Platinum Connections was the very first internet agency I used.  Michelle was wonderful, and to me, she had some incredible ladies.  Brooke (a Playboy model), Emily (an ATF - also a Playboy model), and Heather Saks, who was also an absolute sweetheart.  Heather broke the news about Michelle when I couldn't reach Michelle.  I think she rated #1 to me.

Andrea Sugar is really nice and has no relation to the Andrea formally of Sinsations (who I've been told is now retired).  She is not the same Andrea of LVC.  Interesting, I met Andrea through one of Talia's former girls (GFE Sessions), who was my long-time favorite who just retired in October.  Andrea had break-4-lunch and something like so cal something or another before her new larger stable today.    I really like Andrea, but I have had mixed experiences with some of her ladies.  Vivian Vallero, who I had known for a decade, is an absolute gem, and Chloe Cabello has been great.  She has some newer high-priced ladies, with prices rivaling some of the adult actress agencies like TrystAgency (which is, to me, really awesome).  I haven't met some of the higher priced Andrea ladies as meeting someone from TrystAgency, PornC, and AIA are comparable and seem really wonderful experiences.

An agency I have used often was GFE with "Talia".  They have had some really incredible ladies before:  Lamia Lazan, Vivica, Isabella, Ea Hills, and the incomprable Slater Lynne and Isa Ramos.

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