Legal Corner

Why Are They Doing This?
DAVEPHX 2738 reads

From  kelsi styl EZ NEWSLETTER - with permission to share

Why Are They Doing This?
Well, because they can.  And it’s no secret that law enforcement and politicians have had a hard-on for sex-workers since forever (pun of the day!).  And they know that the general public could really care less what two consenting adults do with one another.  So they embellish the story in order to keep monetary support streaming in, which is how they fund their elaborate charade and keep those hefty donations flowing.  Back when they were moving stings across the country and rounding up over 500 “prostitutes and pimps”, they smiled and took the funds raised in the name of “the child trafficking problem”.  Yet out of 500-some arrests, not one was related to child trafficking or even human trafficking... all were consenting adults bla, bla, bla, the broken record plays on.  My point is, now they are calling it “a human trafficking problem in the US”.  And because of this human trafficking issue - and don’t get me wrong, one case is one case too many... but let’s call it what it is and not what it isn’t - because of this “HT problem the US is currently having”, everyone loses their Constitutional rights regarding the Internet.  Everyone.
 And... well... or here’s an idea - how about we legalize prostitution, and then regulate it and luxury tax it!?!  What’s that?  Oh you make more money off the incarcerations?  Imagine that.  
Dave notes: The luxury tax is a unique idea. Usually, folks say to "tax it," however, its already taxed just like all income. If you don't think so ask Al Capone!
 BTW I love her tagline "I AM KELSI STYLEZ... YOU'LL NEVER MEET ANYONE LIKE ME AGAIN.... and I am going to make sure you never, ever forget me."  

why of all the civilized (and I use the term advisedly) nations of the world does the US have to stand out in terms of outlawing what is commonly accepted even in the countries that we most mirror, i.e. Canada and the UK?  

While the US has made progress in liberalizing policies like civil rights, reproductive rights, and even gay rights, it is going backwards on sexual rights.  Cripes, even pot is legal in about half the nation.

In the meantime, we'll continue to do what we do because it is, after all, the oldest profession.

Because the USA government is infiltrated by a certain group, unlike the other civilized countries.  

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Good question, but a better question is...
why of all the civilized (and I use the term advisedly) nations of the world does the US have to stand out in terms of outlawing what is commonly accepted even in the countries that we most mirror, i.e. Canada and the UK?    
 While the US has made progress in liberalizing policies like civil rights, reproductive rights, and even gay rights, it is going backwards on sexual rights.  Cripes, even pot is legal in about half the nation.  
 In the meantime, we'll continue to do what we do because it is, after all, the oldest profession.

GaGambler459 reads

Why not legalize prostitution, treat it like any other business, which of course could include business licenses, health cards, taxes etc, just like the rest of us, but double or triple down on PIMPING, pimps are the human traffickers, not the women actually selling sex.

One of my favorite mongering destinations is Costa Rica, partly for it's convenience and partly because of the mongering laws which are very similar to what I propose.

As for a "luxury tax" first off I don't see any way to enforce it other than to encourage the state to become the pimp along the same lines as the Nevada template which is IMHO the absolute WORST way to deal with prostitution. Not to mention the more onerous a tax is, the less likely anyone is going to comply with it, but simply saving the resources currently wasted persecuting and prosecuting consenting adults and spending those very same resources combating real human trafficking, not to mention allowing consenting adults and trafficking victims alike to come out of the shadows would generate more actual revenue than slapping an onerous luxury tax on a service industry.

GaGambler notes, yes the luxury tax is a unique idea, but it's a stupid one.

There are many positives of legalizing prostitution.  This reminds me of one of the times visiting a smaller brothel in Switzerland.  I have been to a few, but being from the USA, there is still an uneasiness when seeing advertisement out in the public or walking into a apartment where the name is 'Happy girls around'.

Anyway - I ring the door bell, go to the apartment, select the lady.  A beautiful, blonde, blue eyes lady from Greece.   As I was chitchatting, the door bell rings again and two police officers walk in.  They call the girl I was standing next to and start to talk to her.  I  turned fucking white and leaned against the wall.   I've been in the hobby for many years but never ever in the presence of local police.

After a few minutes, which seemed like an  eternity, they start laughing, the girl hands the officers something, they shake hands and they start to walk out.  WTF just happened. On the way out the officer turns to me, pats my shoulder, says  in a heavy accent 'Hello something or other.'.    Only understood the first word......could have been German or English.

Took me a good 20 minutes to fucking recover.  Apparently one of the girls working in this brothel meet someone that she thinks was working in an unlicensed or could have been trafficked .  They called the local police to report and they came over to hear it first hand.  The lady from Greece gave her cell number to the detective or officer in case if they need more information.  Another WTF I am not in the USA moment.  

Pimping and trafficking still occurs like everywhere else in the planet.  Except in countries where it is legalized they do not see the police as something to fear and hide from.    

The illegal brothels drive the price down, do not add to the tax revenues and are considered bad by the ladies, legal brothels, and authorities.    It was very interesting seeing it first hand how there is another system to handle the sex business like any other business.  As the lady I saw later mentioned, there she can legally be employed as a sex worker, open a bank account, and if you are in a hotel room with some nutcase call the cops without having anything to worry.

Oh, and the best part -  Johns like me can meet and sleep with the most beautiful women in Europe, contribute to the tax revenues, and walk around with a smile without worrying about being thrown in the slammer and having our lives destroyed because two consenting adults want to fuck and exchange of a few hundred Euros.

GaGambler453 reads

Me and a buddy were at the Blue Marlin Bar in the middle of the afternoon getting drunk (big surprise, right?)  at the bar and a cop wandered in, the cop was a really friendly guy bought a round a drinks and we started shooting the shit, me in my very bad Spanish, him in his equally bad English, and my buddy not really understanding a word as he spoke no Spanish at the time. My buddy was attempting to talk to this super hot chica at the bar, but was kind of unsure what to say, between his non existent Spanish at the time and the fact a local cop was right there at the bar with us he really didn't know what to do next.

This goes on for about a twenty minutes and finally the cop starts talking to the super hot chica (in Spanish of course) and then turns around to my buddy and simply says two words to him " cuarenta dolares"  My buddy has no idea what he meant so he looks at me and asks "what did he say?" I replied to him,  "It means "Good bye Joe"" My buddy looks at me like I have three heads and goes "WTF do you mean Good Bye???!!!" I busted up laughing and told him "cuarenta dolares" meant "40 dollars" IOW the cop negotiated a price of only forty bucks for him to fuck this gorgeous chica and that meant "Good Bye Joe, get the fuck out of here and go fuck that girl" lmao

So yes, It's not just Europe where things work like this, in fact in most of the non Muslim world, prostitution if not actually legal, is at least tolerated unlike the stupid laws, stings, prosecutions like we have here.

I do not recommend Costa Rica after it arrested Florida hobbyist Cubadave!

He wrote a review about his trip and they arrested him as he was trying to leave the airport.  

I don't understand they (meaning the government) have not really stopped anything.  There are already numerous .ch sites engaging in prostitution related ads, pimping, etc.  The Switzerland domain has taken over, but people for the most part do not actually know it yet, and it is slowly growing each day with ads, agency-pimps, etc.

Moreover, the government due to its policies causes prostitution.  So in order to get rid of prostitution we need to alter or abolish the government.  We need a single payer poon system so that everyone can freely partake in socialized poon, from each according to abilities and to each according to his needs.

DAVEPHX407 reads

Re: CubaDave
lets get facts straight.  He was arrested for promoting sex tourism to like 2500 people and while spent time in prison his conviction was overturned in 2017.  

Posted By: DAVEPHX
Re: CubaDave
Re: CubaDave  
 lets get facts straight.  He was arrested for promoting sex tourism to like 2500 people and while spent time in prison his conviction was overturned in 2017.  

Who fucked who , rigged this and that , abuse of power by their former boss , hila-the-blonde-gorilla bias - blah blah blah . There is one agency that is never mentioned and it has 240,000 employees. Read their ( DHS ) job description on their website. Everything they have listed is already covered by  the agencies in the news everyday. They list border security yet the border patrol is undermanned. 240,000 employees yet we still have to deploy the National Guard to back up the border patrol.  My point is I see DHS as 240,000 rats living amongst us who have to justify all the money that’s wasted on their excistance .  So what do they do , they go around using federal money to help local LE with limited budgets bust people like adult females who’s “ my body , my choice “ is working the oldest profession on the planet .  

Everyone in America should be questioning why we are wasting money on DHS .  

One time a female DHS agent was low key tailing me around an airport with her dog.  She seemed nice enough.  

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