Legal Corner

Re:prankster provider wants to barter for advance.
sidone 8483 reads

Be suspicious of any lawyer who is willing to barter his services for yours.  Lawyers in California are required to have written contracts with individual, as opposed to corporate, clients, and I doubt many attorneys would write out a contract which required him to commit a crime.  He would therefore have to ignore this requirement and would commit another ethical breach in the process.

Even lawyers who would be willing to do this would know that the contract is unenforceable.  And don't forget the practical problems of how to pay him.  You seem willing to make the exchange up front, but if your case is complicated it may require a lot of work and thus a larger payment.  Doing all of this up front would be a real test of both your staminas.

Sexual relations between attorney and client are forbidden in most states unless the sexual relationship predates the representation.  That isn't the rule in California, but it is still considered very dubious conduct - even when the sex has nothing to do with the business relationship.

And let's not forget that your proposed arrangement would be a conspiracy to commit prostitution, while the payments themselves would each obviously be a criminal act.  

I'm not insinuating that you will do anything like this, but a client who has a lawyer work for him or her on this kind of basis would be able to blackmail the lawyer at some point in the future.  This may be the biggest reason why a lawyer who agrees to your proposal would be acting foolishly.  You shouldn't let an obvious fool represent you.

-- Modified on 3/24/2005 4:03:53 PM

cnoteand4lbs10277 reads

Im dog earred for sure.
I let my inherant "Dennis the Menice" traits get the best of me last week.I played a little joke on my local law enforcement agency...And, lets just say..I feel the noose getting tighter around my pretty little neck.
I have never been busted and I dont want to either.
I live by the beach.

WTF!7770 reads

"I played a little joke on my local law enforcement agency... I live by the beach."

Are you toying with lifeguards?

Almost forgot, if possible don’t exchange services for services. Hire a good attorney and pay his fee.

-- Modified on 3/24/2005 12:27:23 PM

sidone8484 reads

Be suspicious of any lawyer who is willing to barter his services for yours.  Lawyers in California are required to have written contracts with individual, as opposed to corporate, clients, and I doubt many attorneys would write out a contract which required him to commit a crime.  He would therefore have to ignore this requirement and would commit another ethical breach in the process.

Even lawyers who would be willing to do this would know that the contract is unenforceable.  And don't forget the practical problems of how to pay him.  You seem willing to make the exchange up front, but if your case is complicated it may require a lot of work and thus a larger payment.  Doing all of this up front would be a real test of both your staminas.

Sexual relations between attorney and client are forbidden in most states unless the sexual relationship predates the representation.  That isn't the rule in California, but it is still considered very dubious conduct - even when the sex has nothing to do with the business relationship.

And let's not forget that your proposed arrangement would be a conspiracy to commit prostitution, while the payments themselves would each obviously be a criminal act.  

I'm not insinuating that you will do anything like this, but a client who has a lawyer work for him or her on this kind of basis would be able to blackmail the lawyer at some point in the future.  This may be the biggest reason why a lawyer who agrees to your proposal would be acting foolishly.  You shouldn't let an obvious fool represent you.

-- Modified on 3/24/2005 4:03:53 PM

I would be suspicious of any advice from an attorney who would, in the context of the attorney-client relationship, actively participate in criminal activity with that client.

it also makes it harder to talk to the lawyer

his eyes and his attention won't be where it should be and he may overcharge you hours that he normally won't if he knows that all you have to do is give him more where a normal person runs out of money

Call a good one, pay for an initial consultation.  You may not be bustable yet.  FYI, people who operate illegal businesses should know better than to fuck with LE.  You want to stay UNDER the radar; you don't want to piss them off.

GaGambler9689 reads

In Douglasville, Ga., a lawyer is facing disbarrment and possible jail time, for something similar. In short, Bad Idea.

LAAvocat10574 reads

Most lawyers will speak with you for free on the phone in order to feel you out.  Pun intended.  While lawyers should not advise you how to break the law and get away with it, I think you can get a freebie without letting the lawyer fuck you!

Good luck

Which is more important? Indulging your menace, or not getting busted?

You wouldn't be thinking of bartering out a therapist as well, would you?

That would be equally smart.

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