Legal Corner

Credit cards and drivers license images found on a woman's cell phonesad_smile
SANMONICAGUY 19 Reviews 2689 reads

Yesterday the Santa Barbara sheriff department arrested a woman at the request of the LA sheriff she has been involved in identity thief and had  my information, I hooked up with her from a dating site.  We spent the night together and she must have gotten my credit card and driver license when I was a sleep.  
The LA Sheriff wants to talk with me about where and when we came into contact, do you think I need a lawyer when I talk with the investigators?

ThePeopleRule913 reads

49 minutes long.

2)  Browse information at  Many libraries have Nolo Press books or you can download (but probably better to have "real" book so you can pretend you are back in school and underline).

3) Google "Santa Barbara County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service".  Take advantage of a free 30 minute consultation.  If you are not advised to politely decline to talk with the Sheriff's Dept, you should seek a second opinion.

4)  Look at
the oldest legal directory in the US.

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 2:10:04 PM

Zangari981 reads

You "hooked up with her on a dating site".   Bullshit.  You wouldn't be worried about talking to LE unless you paid this woman.   For your sake, I'm glad LE arrested her, since she had your credit card info.  You need to contact your bank and credit card company immediately & freeze that card.  Then you need to check every recent transaction and pending transaction.  

  You should consult with an attorney before meeting with the Sheriff.  Put LE off until you've talked to your attorney and don't play fucking games.   You didn't 'hook up on a dating site'.  Tell your attorney the absolute truth:  
1.  you paid a prostitute to spend the night with you.  
2.  She stole your credit card info.  
3.  She was arrested and LE found your credit card info on her.  
4.  Now the sheriff wants to talk to you.  

 If you decide to talk to LE without legal representation, then you should assume that LE already knows everything about your 'hookup'.  They've looked at all of her texts, e-mails, etc.  And your overnight companion would've gladly thrown you under the bus in exchange for any kind of leniency.  

 A lot of guys think they can outsmart the cops.  The problem is, LE usually already knows everything when they question you.  They just want to hear what you're going to say.   Don't let them trap you in a lie.  If they ask anything that might be incriminating, then you'd "rather not answer the question without legal counsel."    
 A better option: your attorney talks to the sheriff.  --z    

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 9:52:49 AM

my hunch is that this cop is just interested in making a case against this gal for identity theft, which is bigger potatoes than a P4P rap.  He most likely doesn't need the headache of making a prostitution rap against you, but he might give you a lecture.

On the other hand, it's unlikely you have anything to gain by talking.  

Probably the best thing to do is to respond that you just want to put the whole affair behind you, and not take any time or energy providing information.  Just remember to always be truthful, lying to LE is a very serious offense.

On a further cautionary note, to all guys who are tempted to sleep with a gal they do not know well, keep your personal info at home when you do this kind of thing.

(still not a lawyer)

GaGambler884 reads

but you are absolutely fucking right here. If he indeed met her on a "dating" site he would not have the slightest trepidation about talking to LE.  

My advice to the OP is to listen to Zangari's advice and don't lie to your lawyer the same way you have tried to lie to us. You never lie to your lawyer or your doctor. If you don't feel you can trust either your doctor or your lawyer the answer is not to lie to him, but to find one you trust enough with the truth.  

One last word of advice, under no circumstances should you lie to LE, the penalty for Obstruction of Justice is a lot harsher than the charge of solicitation. There is a BIG difference between not incriminating yourself and actually lying to LE. Until you are expert enough to know the exact line you can and cannot cross I advise you to NEVER interact with LE without an expert (attorney) accompanying and advising you. Do not parlay a potential misdemeanor charge into a felony.

There are probably a multitude of name and numbers of the John's on her phone so you are not the only one that LE is contacting. Also, if you know her real name do an Internet search to determine if she has an arrest record. Chances are she has been arrested in the past for something. But do not talk to LE without an Attorney.

the thief currently is being held by LA Sheriff on 2 million dollars bail.  latest misadventure she was staying at a hotel in Santa Barbara and had bill of over 100000 when arrested by santa Barbara sheriff, all this while using stolen identity. I have a appointment with a lawyer.

GaGambler802 reads

but that most certainly does not mean you should agree to speak to them without an attorney present.

Even if they have no interest in pursuing your "crime" they will have no issue about "leveraging" you to make their case against her. Do you really want to be forced to take the stand and reveal exactly how you met and what you did with her in open court for all your family and friends to hear? Without an attorney to protect your rights there would be nothing to prevent LE from threatening you with criminal prosecution if you don't agree to testify in open court against her

I remember back it might have been 15 years ago that a few of the girls I use to see told me about a hobbyist who was living at 12 Caesars Hilton on City Line avenue  ( only to find out he was using his old corporate CC , after he left his company) the agency paid the girls and tipped them on the card and gave them lavish gifts from the stores inside the Hilton and charged them to his room account . When they finally caught him the tab was in the vicinity of $180k.

I never heard anything further but I figured most of the tab most likely got charged back,the girls never heard anything or told me anything further.

-- Modified on 10/13/2016 2:10:08 PM

I would get a lawyer get some advise for sure

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