Legal Corner

Front desk!
Valida 17 Reviews 2209 reads

Anybody noticed yet that each hotel's front desk computer system facilitates prostitution, by making it easy to book and check in and pay?  

Big fat targets for sharky lawyers and blackmail-inclined hookers.

but my date and I didn't particularly care for it.

The place was a bit too raucous even for swingers like us.

I wish they were just a touch more discreet.   Saying shit like that is bound to get them into trouble.

Tonight I was meeting a provider and at the hotel, which appeared to be vacant except for about two other providers staying at the place.  Literally only about a couple cars and a motorcycle in the parking lot.

"Hey, you!"  Shriek comes out of nowhere, the voice calling towards me with an East Indian accent who appeared in a Bollywood like dress down the corner of the hallway.  I went up to her and she asked me what I was doing there - since I like to check around the hotel for general security prior to entering the room.  She then asked who I was meeting there.  I told her I was meeting my friend.  "What's her name?"  I told her I am not good with names but I can try to call her at least.  That seemed to satisfy her and then I asked how she was doing and she smiled and said ok.  Well at least I was trying to not get a trespassing warning at the hotel at least.  

Anyway I ended up meeting the busty 18 year old girl, but then the East Indian lady saw us going up to the room together and nodded approvingly, apparently happy that I was not casing her hotel joint and indeed visiting a guest.  

I think I would have said nothing, turned on my heels, and walked away from the place.

That's about as creepy a situation as I've ever heard of.

I'll leave those places to the young and foolish.

I have met non-Providers at hotels many times. I never thought it was suspicious.
What? I'm meeting a friend. ...  
Who? Roger. ...  
No, he isn't a guest. We're grabbing some dinner at the hotel restaurant before heading off to meet other friends. (Optionally add: We're going to a swingers' party.)
So I'm early. So what? He'll be here in 20 minutes, depending on traffic. Am I taking up too much space?  
Why here? Roger clipped a coupon or did a groupon thing or something. Why are you asking me all these questions? Isn't this hotel supposed to a place of public accommodation? Are you profiling me? Are you discriminating against me?  
You know, maybe I'll just text Roger and tell him to meet me someplace else. I'm outta here.

Just march in as a group of hobbyists all wearing bow ties and suits.  Then someone yell, "We didn't land on demand reduction, demand reduction landed on us".    

Came back again tonight for another bbbj session - which turned out very well.

This time an East Indian man in khaki long sleeve shirt was performing the security function.  I can't believe the long sleeve shirt would be comfortable in this weather, but East Indians are well acclimated to the Phoenix climate.

Also this time a lone black man seemed to be pacing the parking lot unchallenged by the East Indian security detail/hotel manager.  

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