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Pay online with online store
AbbiMinx See my TER Reviews 2228 reads

So... I have a website, and I may have either done the smartest thing or the dumbest thing ever. I created a pypl business account (nondescript name) and added a "store" to my website, allowing purchases of time. I haven't seen other providers do this so that makes me nervous, but on the other hand all the websites I've seen for providers kinda suck.  

My question: am I asking for trouble a lot? I mean I know I am a little and am operating on the assumption that certain entities have bigger fish to fry.  

For any responses to this, PLEASE have something to back up what you say as there are some paranoid people out there and I'm not taking the store down because someone has a bad feeling. I'm a logic-driven girl, I can't help it.  

Thank you!  
Abbi Minx

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 11:16:04 PM

GaGambler867 reads

How's that for paranoid? lol

Actually in all seriousness, using a Pay Pal account to do any kind of adult business is a very risky proposition. It's not LE, or getting arrested you have to worry about, it's Pay Pal itself closing your account and keeping all of your money. It has happened to hundreds, probably thousands of times, way too often to risk your hard earned money IMO.

Yep, it happened to a girl friend of mine. She was on a roll too and they locked her account and kept a large portion of her money. It all seemed great at first but if they get a whiff of adult oriented business they locke you out.After all  Who are you going to call to report it- the better business bureau??

Very nice to see the personal initiative - I hope it is a success (I was going to say "smashing" but better not...).

And, yes, you are probably a small enough fish - at least I hope so.

... we are trying to stay under the radar as well. While I cannot assume what others may be thinking, I certainly can speak for myself: I am not going to pay for anything in any form that would leave a paper or electronic trail. Cash in hand is my mode of operation. While I admire your creative thinking, I believe it would be best to stick to old-fashioned methods of payment in this business

You may be right... I like the way that page works, i.e. the layout of it. Maybe I'll keep it but disconnect the store so it's just a donation page with several "packages" if you will.  

Thanks for the feedback!

If you were selling a physical product, like panties or discs, it might be ok but I'd never give PP an excuse to keep my money.  
PP is also anxious to get access to your bank accounts.  I just won't do that.  I have a friend who got screwed & not in a good way.  (Don't know if it was PP or the "purchaser" but her account ended up overdrawn & never got her items on moneyback.)  
Last year PP gifted me a reward of  10 cents...  to put it in my bank account I'd have to provide them with the account...  not only could they put money IN, they can also REMOVE IT without notice.  I only have PP linked to a Major Credit Card.  I got a few money transfers in which I let sit unitl I made a purchase when they were used up first.

BellaBinx597 reads

So while PP has recently added “digital adult content” to the drop-down item to select in your Paypal business's a trap. All things fun are still against their TOS, so beware. They will close your account.

Posted By: AbbiMinx
So... I have a website, and I may have either done the smartest thing or the dumbest thing ever. I created a pypl business account (nondescript name) and added a "store" to my website, allowing purchases of time. I haven't seen other providers do this so that makes me nervous, but on the other hand all the websites I've seen for providers kinda suck.  
 My question: am I asking for trouble a lot? I mean I know I am a little and am operating on the assumption that certain entities have bigger fish to fry.  
 For any responses to this, PLEASE have something to back up what you say as there are some paranoid people out there and I'm not taking the store down because someone has a bad feeling. I'm a logic-driven girl, I can't help it.  
 Thank you!  
 Abbi Minx

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 11:16:04 PM

I have heard of other providers using PayPal before...

But I don't think I would put that on the website, for PayPal to be able to find and link what you are selling with the transactions.

Instead I'd offer it as an alternate payment option for people who wanted to use it, just not have the address to use anywhere online...

Also as others have noted, PayPal can be capricious about getting you money.  Sometimes it may take a while.  Sometimes you may never get it...  If you link to a bank account that is a two way straw and even if you have taken money out PayPal can possibly decide to take it right back.  So you may want to consider a bank account you use only with PayPal, that has no link to your other bank accounts and some kind of way to limit outbound electronic transfers.

As a client I have to say I would not use PayPal, but there are others that are willing it seems

I don't use paypal unless is from clients that I trust and know for a long, long time.  

I know paypal close some accounts if they think there is any type of illegal activity. If you have a business name and they are paying for services under that business it should not be an issue IMO

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