Las Vegas Buzz

:D Unprecedented 50% off ALL OF 2012 special! Happy holidays! Offer good through 12/25/11
lorshafantasy See my TER Reviews 7991 reads
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Unprecedented holiday reserve in advance special!

Reserve your time with me in advance NO LATER THEN 12/25/11 and
receive 50% off of our tryst together!

1 hour $450 - 50% off = $225.00!
2 hours $750 - 50% off = $375.00!
3 hours $1000 - 50% off = $500.00!
4 hour dinner date $1200 - 50% off = $600.00!

You can redeem your 50% off any tryst ANYTIME from 1/1/12 - 12/31/12
Please give me at least a couple weeks notice in advance!

Donation must be received NO LATER THEN 12/25/11
using 1 of these 2 options:

1) Send cash or money order (If cash please send well concealed) to:

POB 336113
North Las Vegas, NV 89033

Please do not write anything else on the envelope other then what you see above. Also
be sure to leave the pay to line blank please, and do not write anything in the memo
area as well.

2) Credit card option. Please email me at [email protected] and I will send you
this information. I have a discreet secured merchant account for this.

Any questions at all just please email me at the address above.

Happy holidays guys, and I am looking SO VERY FORWARD to meeting you!


~ Lorsha

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