Las Vegas

Trip report, Mini on Hope
bumpnrun 2 Reviews 2262 reads

As I stated before in my mini of Elizabeth (full review has been submitted), I had some bad luck with well known providers.

First highly regarded lady, (name on backchannel request), required detailed personal info, and although I coughed it up, she somehow didn't seem to be able to figure out how to verify me for a 4 hour  date.  She claimed that my residential address pulled up not me but the name of some woman.  I told her I couldn't account for how some internet resource she was using reported to her and gave her the names of many well known DC providers as references, and even dear Jayla Moore from DC emailed her for me after hearing what was going on, but to no avail. She said she could correspond to well known providers by email all day long, but "How do I know it's really you?"  Uh, gee, I dunno.  I think my driver's license has my name and address on it.  But maybe I should get a copy of my birth certificate tattood on my ass.  But maybe someday I'll be able to pass her rigid screening and show her I really am a gentleman.

Second highly regarded lady, (name on backchannel request), instead of hitting my personal cell  called my hotel and left a voicemessage on the room phone to confirm out 4 hour date, which unfortunately was picked up by a snoopy wife of an associate staying on the same floor. "And so who is So-and-so?" ended my opportunity there and I was under suspcion and close observation for several days thereafter.  This was a big dissapointment as I was really looking forward to meeting this lady.  I think she's worth flying in for a special trip, without the associates tagging along to interfere.

Third highly regarded lady, (name on backchannel request), who visits regulary was to fly in to see me for a 4 hour appointment but because I was busy with work related activity I didn't contact her for 4 days.  Even though we had a confirmed appointment place and time, she claimed since she hadn't heard from me that she figured I had changed my plans and so she cancelled her trip.  I didn't bother to ask her why she didn't just hit my email or cell with the question.  LOL. But I still hope to meet this one, she seems like a real cutiepie who is a lot of fun.

So I was left with cruising CL.  First attempt was with Hope.  She advertises using the tag line "For Serious Gentelmen Only"  So I called. I ended up getting a typical agency type scam.  Don't waste your time or money on this one.

I went thru a few other ads before finally hooking up with Elizabeth who was a real find and homerun.  Finding a girl like Elizabeth definitely more than made the trip.  :)

My last appointment befoe leaving LV is with Nia Vuitton later today, and I'll report on that one later.

All in all I had a gas during my week and hope to return again soon :)

WebTerrorist2925 reads

"Uh, gee, I dunno.  I think my driver's license has my name and address on it.  But maybe I should get a copy of my birth certificate tattood on my ass.  But maybe someday I'll be able to pass her rigid screening and show her I really am a gentleman."

The mark of a true gentleman...condescending sarcasm.
I don't suppose it dawned on your supperior intellect that if you aren't who you claimed to the time she could find it out from your "uh gee, driver's license" it would be too late?

Yep..those stupid women...not taking your word and the word of a third party (no matter how well known that party is) when things don't add up for her...she must be some crazy woman concerned for her own safety or something...who needs that?

if I offended you with that sarcasm.  I don't disagree with ANY requirements a lady has in the way of verification.  It's her choice.  And my choice if I agree to comply with them.  But I do expect to be treated with honesty and consideration for the efforts I place in the verification process, especially when I am giving out personal info on myself.

In this case, one that I never want to repeat, I was frustrated that so much personal info was required (of which I gave plenty, in advance, with which any intelligent person could use to identify me).  I even sent her a link to a site that I know of that pulls me up.  In spite of all the personal info I gave, she claimed she could not find me with her particular internet resources.  It turned out, after over two weeks of trading emails, her asking for more information, her claiming she had not received my emails of info, then later admitting she had received them, then saying I had not provided her the necessary info and having me cough up more info (everything about myself except for the maiden name of my mother), that the resource she was using relied on a person having a land telephone line at their residential address - which I do not have!  I use only cell for residence, land for business.  If she had explained what she really needed to begin with it would have been more honest and not jerked me around so much.

My honest opinion after dealing with her is that she was disorganized, lost emails, couldn't find stuff on the internet that normal computer literate persons could find, and screwed up the appointment process.  She never actually did tell me "No", she just kept stringing me along telling me that I had not "provided her the necessary info" until I was sick of the whole process.

In the future I will not give out personal info without knowing in advance what method the provider wants to use to screen - what EXACT info she requires and how she will try to use it in the verification process.  If she wants a business number, fine.  If she wants a real name and residential address, fine.  But this going on a fishing expedition for personal info without the client knowing exactly how that info is to be used in verification is out of the ordinary (in my experience) and, in my view, way, way, way out of bounds.

Also,in the future, I will not jump thru so many hoops.  I feel that the ladies should be able to tell a guy either "Yes" or "No" in a reasonable period of time.  If a girl doesn't want to see the guy, fine, just be honest and say so.  Don't string the guy along with verification red tape and BS.

WebTerrorist1559 reads

Your original post read more as she couldn't verify the address, so you had well known ladies give references which she didn't want as her verifcation process.

This post makes much more sense as to what happened, and I apologise for being sarcastic in my own reply to you...but I did think it at least a fun irony to be sacastic while calling someone sacsatic...I don't think my humour always translates well...I think I need a vacation.

besides, I've been hearing all about you from a mutual friend with whom I spend a lot of time - she thinks you're cool and so I know all about you and your humor  ;-)

No, Webby, as always, your post was informative and right to the point, and replete with humor! I always want to see what you have to say! It tends to make my day!

I don't think you need a vacation, lol, but if you decide to take one, please tell us all where you go! We might meet you there rather than be without your wisdom and humor while you're gone!


"Also,in the future, I will not jump thru so many hoops.  I feel that the ladies should be able to tell a guy either "Yes" or "No" in a reasonable period of time.  If a girl doesn't want to see the guy, fine, just be honest and say so.  Don't string the guy along with verification red tape and BS"

Yes you are right. A lady should tell a guy in a reasonable time if yes or no and not string him along so he can move on and find a lady that will see him .

Each lady will have her own comfort level of what she requires for screening .
Are some over the top ? YES I think they are ……...but it is their right . It is also your right not to want to give out so much info.
If you feel it’s like an FBI backround check and that it is too much for you, then just move on to someone else.

It seems to be human nature to include a bunch of excuses within any attempt at apology. I tend to do the same thing myself! But, Bumpnrun, your post above is the best example of that I've ever seen! Lol! Or was the title of your post a continuation of your sarcasm?

Anyway, I do feel bad that you had such a rough time verifying yourself with that particular provider. It makes one wonder how any of us got started in the hobby! Thankfully, some of the respected providers are a little more lenient in their screening procedures. All the girl needs to know is that you are not L.E. and that you are not likely to hurt her. But sometimes those things are not easy to determine, especially when you are new to the hobby and don't have verifiable references. I hope it will make you feel better to realize that it gets easier once you have seen a respected provider or two who are willing to give you a good reference. And most of the responsible providers know a foolproof way to verify among themselves that you are who you claim to be, without all the personal info that you had to provide this time.

Anyway, I'm sure you will soon be so happy with the hobby, that this unfortunate circumstance will seem almost meaningless to you. Better luck!


Webbies evil twin1997 reads

Sorry, I was just feeling left out.  My apologies to all.

LMAO! That had to ne the most sincere apology ever! And not one single excuse! Lol!


many more would suggest that I need a vacation, a permanent vacation.

The Artist Previously Known As SheTookADumpOnMeSoIAteIt.

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