Las Vegas

maddog197 1 Reviews 1244 reads
1 / 14

OMG Now her web site is down and all - If anyone knows how to contact her please let me know - 3 weeks until my trip

jgoodman222 14 Reviews 1001 reads
2 / 14
maddog197 1 Reviews 957 reads
3 / 14

Already left her a message - it went to voice mail (3 weeks ago and again yesterday)

I hope she is OK, but no login since February

funlvr1818 66 Reviews 896 reads
4 / 14

Sometimes girls just decide to get out of the business and drop off the face of the hobbying landscape.  That happened to my very first girl (who I shall not name).  Fortunately, one of my other providers knew her well and told me that she found a boyfriend and wanted to settle down, get married and have children.  I will tell you one thing- her husband is one fucking lucky dude.

bigguy30 890 reads
5 / 14


aisle41 712 reads
6 / 14
SDSU1983 8 Reviews 880 reads
7 / 14

I couldn't agree more.  Many guys that hobby revert to high school crush mentality when that girl we are infatuated with won't return our calls.  I think it stems from the fact a lot of us didn't get the cheerleader or homecoming queen or ever a really got a hot girl to give us the time of day.  then along comes this hobby and some of the ladies are flat out tens.  here they are laughing at our jokes and making all the sounds we want them to when we are together.  They treat us like rock stars and it seems so real.

I've left after being with some of these ladies and couldn't get them out of my mind.  So it can be real easy to get hooked on them.  The fact is this is a fantasy and these ladies have a lot of clients regular and new.  Plus they have their own lives.  As was stated maybe she's on vacation, in the hospital , family emergency or a thousand other reasons for not returning you attempts to contact her.

I've had the same experience with a lady I want to see in August.  I've emailed her, and PMed her on both TER and P411.  She hasn't returned my messages.  I have to assume she is busy and hope she contacts me.  Thankfully there are a "few" other ladies in Vegas who will treat me well.  

So as was said before its best to just leave it alone

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 828 reads
8 / 14

There are other ways to go about this!!

PMs for starters??

Why not message a lady who runs in the same circle?  
Why not message a gent who recently reviewed her??

If you care about her well being ............ You could be doing something to harm it by posting here.  

What if someone went off and started a relationship or a vanilla career and she is trying to distance herself from any online presence? You can never get ride of all of it, but if you truly care about her, you wouldn't want to do the exact opposite of what she wants....

If something happened with the second option that you claim, that is where PMs can come in handy. Besides, it would all be gossip anyway. This is a high school playground type of post and nothing good comes from it, ever.

stripclubaddict 57 Reviews 769 reads
9 / 14

High School playground type of post.  For asking if a provider is still around.  Lets get over ourselves people...

bond007 31 Reviews 1083 reads
10 / 14

Posted By: maddog197
OMG Now her web site is down and all - If anyone knows how to contact her please let me know - 3 weeks until my trip
She is taking some very well deserved down time.  Please respect her wishes and do not try and contact her.  When she is ready, she will let everyone know.  For now, consider her unavailable.


Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 720 reads
11 / 14

It brings DRAMA.
Like the same time of DRAMA that you find on a high school playground.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 736 reads
12 / 14

it will give you an idea of how MANY providers feel about these type of public inquires. And guess what, there are numerous ways to backchannel to find out about a provider who's gone MIA.  

Posted By: SexyUndercover
Some of us care when providers go MIA.  It doesn't mean we're stalkers.  Some are concerned about a provider's welfare, or if she may have gotten int trouble with LE and our personal info has been compromised.  

dreuss 12 Reviews 459 reads
13 / 14

Looks like a lot of people on her are getting their panties in a bunch and some are causing drama and some are creating it.

The original post was badly written and made it sound desperate like he was stalking her. When all he wanting in fact was for someone to tell him he needed to move on and schedule with another provider.

In telling him this no personal information would be given and he would have gotten the message she was no longer available at this time. Bond007 had the correct response and that was all that needed to be said.

Now don't get me wrong. Safety is of the utmost importance for everyone. So if someone does go overboard on trying to find you, you should be protected. However if one of your friends or clients goes spilling your personal life out to some stranger then maybe you should reconsider who knows what and who you are telling about your personal life because you are compromising your own safety.

maddog197 1 Reviews 736 reads
14 / 14

That was all that I was concerned about

End of Story

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