Las Vegas

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scorpiobill 2 Reviews 14575 reads

I was reading on another board about a guy who got ripped off,he handed his money to a lady who then took off,under the pretext she had to go to her car to get her personal items.I think it's a tragic shame,but I'm also glad that,given my limited exp. in hobbying,I happened to link up with 2 very reputable ladies,Brie Michaels and Amy Jordan.I've seen them several times before,I know they'll be on time,etc.I'm thankful there are reputable people in this profession,and if I were to meet someone new,I'd ask around on the boards and get some references.I'm sure there are plenty of reputable ladies in LV.I'll be in LV for my birthday,this Thursday.Happy birthday to you other scorpios!  BILL

Hello, its better safe then sorry.
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!!
My birthday was this month too!
Happy Birthday... to all Scorpios!!!

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