Las Vegas

Re:Ladies: Provider-friendly hotels?
TheSpeedRacer 10 Reviews 8402 reads
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In your opinion, which hotel(s) are the most provider-friendly in Las Vegas? I'm thinking esepcially from the viewpoint of out-of-town ladies who will be doing some limited (and, of course, discreet) incall work during their visit, but also from you own perspectives as well. Of course I recognize that "touring" ladies are sometimes viewed as your competition, but know that the true professionals among you don't mind sharing such information, especially in light of of increased hotel harassment and recent upturns in LE activity. I'd most certainly be interested in and appreciate your opinions as to which properties both providers and clients should avoid at all costs.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
Speed Racer

qwertyuiop12000 7480 reads
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I'm not a provider and I'm sure there are folks who will disagree with me, but I look at the situation from three perspectives:

- Working the "street"
If you try and pick up a lady on the street (in front of a hotel or anywhere for that matter), I think your foolish. LE will concentrate on this area, as they don't like the activity being so "out in the open". I still can't figure out why anyone who has done research on boards like this would even take the chance of approaching a lady on the street.

- Hotel bars:
This one is where "you pay your money, you take your chances". I've never heard of a "customer" getting busted from a meet at a hotel bar (if I'm wrong, please let me know). In the major hotel/casinos I've been in, the most I see happening is the hotel security moving the ladies along on occasion, with most simply coming back after a little while. The chance you take is you don't know the lady, so you don't know how much she usually charges, what "services" she will perform, what her reviews are. You might get a winner or a loser, just like at the tables.

- Incall at a hotel
I've never heard of a provider or customer having problems within the hotel guest rooms. Security at most hotels maybe requires showing of a room key to get into the elevators. The worst that can happen is the lady will need to come down to the lobby to "escort" (pardon the pun) you past security.

Again, some folks will disagree with me, but the hotels themselves don't want any trouble for their customers and as a result, will generally turn a blind eye to this type of activity.

quzi 84 Reviews 11106 reads
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Vice has been known to run stings against johns in some of the bigger casino/hotels.

As for discretion, you'll always be monitored on any casino property.  The manned security in front the guest elevators usually don't care about who comes and goes as long as they're suppose to be there (e.g., flashing a room key).  Pick your hotels like you would anywhere else (based on how safe you would feel there and the amenities offered).  If you feel good at the Motel 6, go for it.  If nothing less than a Ritz-Carleton/Four Seasons will do, by all means stay there (a lot of the newer strip casinos do match or come close).

As for non-casino hotels, it really depends on the local management (which can vary widely).  It's like a melting pot of America, there will be some that feel strongly against that sort of activity and others that feel they should mind their own business.

Have fun,

qwertyuiop12000 7479 reads
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Against "Johns"? I can understand how they might run them against agency ladies (like we've see a million times on "Cops"), but if you have details on how they run them against Johns, please post details.

The only stories I've heard involve undercover LE working on the street OUTSIDE of the hotels. I've never heard anything about them working inside the hotels.

KissesfromCarlee See my TER Reviews 8577 reads
5 / 21

I was under the impression one had to know which hotels to stay at. Since I have only been to Vegas once, and have never toured there I have hesitated due to lack of knowledge. Thank you for your comments, I may now decided to look further into a visit.

cheesewiz 1 Reviews 7158 reads
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I have never heard of any instance where LE or Hotel security has ever used female decoys to bust johns inside a resort property.

Out with it Quzi, what do you know? :-)

spinner39 35 Reviews 6540 reads
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Most all hotels are provider and hobby friendly they really could care less .... the only problem is that at some you have to show a room key to get past security, which means you have to meet her somewhere and escort her up ...  for examples the Venetian and Rio need keys ... Mandalay Bay and the Hard Rock do not.

quzi 84 Reviews 9268 reads
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The only one that I am aware of occured about two years ago and happened at the MGM Grand.  Don't have any details but I'll do some more research if I can locate the specifics.


qwertyuiop12000 7138 reads
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Might be Urban Legend stuff. I can't see hotel security or even local LE running John stings inside a hotels property.

1. There is too great a risk they might bust a high roller, which would be extremely embassasing for the hotel.

2. I don't think security or LE would take the chance of having an undercover go back to the John's own room, since they would not have survelience in place or a back up way to enter the room in case there was a problem.

qwertyuiop12000 9109 reads
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Wow! I definetly think you should check out Vegas. I would also like to take some new photos of you for your web site.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 13154 reads
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Things can't happen . Although it may not happen often . Yes "John stings" have happened . I will not go into details where , why and how because some things are better left unsaid .

Just know if you stick to a true well known independent that you are safe from being set up .

Very simple . Don't look for trouble , you won't get in trouble ;-)
xoxo CindySpice

TheSpeedRacer 10 Reviews 6053 reads
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And if I could ask a favor of you, what one piece of advice would you give to any independent lady planning on coming to Vegas to do a brief tour? Thanks!

Warmest regards,
Speed Racer

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7263 reads
13 / 21

Don't try to pick up clients from the Casino!!

Do your screening very very  very well . Don't get desperate because you have extra expenses and maybe your not getting booked like you hoped to .

Take it as a working vacation . Your having fun in Vegas and oh btw maybe you'll make some money .

Don't pass by LE what they will do or not do . They will do anything !!!!

People  talk to much on these boards . ( as on other forms too )  Give to much information how ,why , and where and by that actually help LE to set up stings .

Like years ago when LE would set up a bust the rooms had nothing in them . So girls knew it was a bust . I mean who comes to Vegas with nothing right ? So girls opened their big mouths and said how they know it is a bust because there is nothing in the room . So LE got hip to what they need to do . They started bringing clothes . Toiletries things to make girls think they are really staying there .
Then girls thought ok if the guy  has a plane ticket he is fine ....talked about it ,  LE got hip to that , now they have plane tickets to try to make a girl feel comfortable .

See how opening your mouths you just made things worst . Well I will say no more so no one can get any ideas . everyone just has to find there ways to figure it out and stay on top of your game . For the guys it is easier to do . Stick with the well known . For us ladies it is harder. I always network and give ladies referrals if they email me for one . I know many who don't . oh well you can't force someone to network if they don't want to .

Be safe and play safe . HIV isn't the only STD out there  .( yeah had to add that ;-)  ;)  
xoxo CindySpice  

-- Modified on 3/1/2004 5:27:43 PM

Consigliereeeeeee 6480 reads
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one of the well published indie's on this board just got

taken to pokey recently by LE setting her up from her web site

at a hotel.

Naomi Candle 8292 reads
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Hey Cindy,

Thank you for your advice, now I am paranoid. I was planning on touring to Las Vegas this month but now I may not go this time.

If anyone Gentlemen will be visiting these areas below in the future or you have a Tour Request to these areas below. Please Email me @ [email protected] = with "First and Last name" and "Phone Number".

I can tour to these areas on a regular bases.

San Francisco Bay Area( my Home) March 4th - March 6th, 15th, 17th - 20th

San Diego March 24th & 25th

Los Angeles - No Dates this month. Sometime in the future.

I am a sexy upscale ebony courtesan and playmate with *Reviews in San Francisco. NO need to worry when visiting me. I provide Non- rushed top quality service. Very affectionate, sensual, and attentive to your needs wants and desires.

Be Safe Girls and I hope to Meet you Sexy Men soon,
Naomi C.

-- Modified on 3/2/2004 4:58:07 AM

-- Modified on 3/2/2004 5:01:59 AM

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7794 reads
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You have no reason to be paranoid .

What I said also applies to many other cities . as well as CA cities you visit .

Busts happen in Vegas all the time , as they do in any city .
Yeah any one can get busted , agency girls , independents , freelancers , johns . LE targets who ever they can get as long as they get someone . usually it is easier for them to get Agency girls and freelancers because those girls have no screening process.
You can't be paranoid in the biz , you just have to be very careful . Good luck , xoxo CindySpice

TheSpeedRacer 10 Reviews 5683 reads
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I hope the information you shared will help any and all ladies who may be planning a tour to LV in the future. Take care, and perhaps, one day, we'll finally get a chance to meet each other in person!

With much love and best regards,
Speed Racer

SeekingGFE 10 Reviews 16062 reads
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Can you tell us who that was and which hotel?  I've heard of busts at the MGM as recently as last summer but don't know if they were in the room or at the bar.

TAD MOROSE 7382 reads
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The Golden Nugget needs a key too but they could care less. Especially when you say you have two people staying in a room. Both of you should have a key. Give your extra one to the girl have her walk behind you.


Consigliereeeeeee 10682 reads
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email me i will tell you the
cicumstances but not name any names in order to protect the
privacy of all parties involved as case(s) are still open

KissesfromCarlee See my TER Reviews 8016 reads
21 / 21

but will keep you in mind for my next shoot!
Kisses ~CarleeofArizona

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