Las Vegas

Re:hole in the wall bars
Westsider1 3181 reads
lasvegashobbyist3595 reads

Someone was asking about strip clubs in toown but are their any good hole in the wall bars dowtown where anything could go. Nudity etc.....I myself am not into strip clubs but the hole in the wall bars are always good.


Girls of the Glitter Glutch is about as close to nudity you'll get (it's a topless only bar, with a 2 drink minimum, around $8 a drink if I remember correctly).

Away from downtown and the tourist safe places, there are some real holes in the wall.  One of my favorites is no longer 24 hours, the Atomic, a few blocks east on Fremont.  I hear they close at 10pm now.  There's some pretty sad places north of downtown too.  If you can handle the shitty neighborhood (with all the homeless, drug-dealers/addicts, streetwalkers, beggars, gangbangers, crazies, etc), it might be worth checking out.  With limited gaming (up to 15 slot/video poker machines) at most bars, I doubt you'd see any nudity inside these places since they'd be risking their gaming and liquor license.


I don't know about nudity, but this place was featured on the Insomniac TV Show:

Locals tell me it is a real dive bar.

Dive bar but not a place to find (semi-)naked women.  Parking in that area sucks (the area is known as the 'fruit loop' since there's a nice concentration of gay/lesbian bars/clubs).  Not far from the Hard Rock if you happen to be in that area.  I guess if you wanted to get trashed in a dive bar then find some bar girls or streetwalkers around the Hard Rock, you might get lucky :-)


I have Spinner's Amex card #! I could pass for him... err if I lose a couple of pounds... maybe lots of pounds... wear sandals... and curl my hair... forget that... my hair is so long that I would look like Shirley Temple on steroids :-)

lasvegashobbyist2902 reads

Thanks for everyones help. I doubt Ill go to any of these places but it always helps to know where to go if you know what you like.  Oh and for the person that said I might get lucky with  a street walker. I'd rather not. The Indies in Vegas are much much safer. Not to mention much more personable and much more sincere. Streetwalkers just want a quick fuck. Not my style.

If anyone is there next weekend from Friday March 25th through Easter Sunday and would like to have a beer and some company, Drop me a PM.


here and there3630 reads

I have always had a good time at the Sand Dollar on Spring Mountain and Polaris.  Particularly good if you like Blues

touchmethere2786 reads

It's too bad the Sand Dollar closed about a month ago.

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