Las Vegas

Of Course...
ranilane702 See my TER Reviews 767 reads

there are plenty of girls who offer BBFS.  Civvie girls in particular tend to be more careless than sex workers and are often willing to engage in very risky sexual behaviors.  Universe help you and anyone willing to sleep with you w/o protection.  SMDH

bobroll1965 reads

Any Vegas girls provide BBFS?

It still sounds to me like a Windows or *nix File System type, like NTFS, JFS, EFS.  
It would be funny if *Nix came out with a BBFS file system. I'll be LMAO.

"pick me, pick me" ............ NOT !!!!

I just remembered why I needed a break from the boards. *sigh*

Did your sex ed teacher die while you were in 3rd grade?

Sorry I am on a diet, no cream in/on this pie.

I don't mind you paying me child support , just lets skip the baby making part.

Anyone else with some good one liners to make us laugh ?? ;-)  
xoxo CindySpice.
P.S.  Good one Drunken Asian , I am ROFLLOL......... I am such a computer nerd ;-)  


Posted By: bobroll
Any Vegas girls provide BBFS?

It can take the most amount of file size up to 8 Exabytes.  

Seriously, I think your sarcasm went way over his head.  
Might as well offer him NTFS. At least its Windows compatible.  

I thought about writing a full review of some of gorgeous ladies I met.... in Hex or Morse Code...  
but I doubt TER would approve it...


Hi D.A.

So are you into the black hat, red hat , white hat or other ? .......I know many color hats ;-) ;-) ;-)  
Love all the hat guys. Well at least the ones I met are so cool and have a great sense of humor.  

Go Linux !!! Huh?  people still use "windows" ?? LOL LOL LOL
Maybe if I wrote my jokes in DOS then he would have gotten it ?? ;-) ;-)  

Getting too horny with all this geek talk. *wink wink*
xoxo CindySpice


Posted By: Drunken Asian
It can take the most amount of file size up to 8 Exabytes.  
 Seriously, I think your sarcasm went way over his head.  
 Might as well offer him NTFS. At least its Windows compatible.  
 I thought about writing a full review of some of gorgeous ladies I met.... in Hex or Morse Code...  
 but I doubt TER would approve it...  

I come from a science background not I.T.  Most science guys in the field use 'scientific linux' (red hat derivative, I think) for research purposes. (or Mac OS).  

I still use WinBLOWS for gaming. Windows 7 is great for that  
but WinBlows 8 sucks dick with their dumb Metro design.

How come you're into geek stuff?  How did you get started in it?  

I'm guessing maybe 1% of girls actually have any interest in these things. Most girls I met are into pedicure, manicure, Eli, vogue, hot guys, Kardasians, spa, house stuff, home decor, luis vitton, channel, and shopping. LOL All fine by me but just different.

My interest came primarily because I transitioned to an entrepreneur and we needed to build our own servers at the time. It's amazing how quickly one learns when there's a deadline to be met. lol

Ok at this point I am sure many are rolling their eyes thinking we need to get a room already LOL  
So I will try to keep is short.

I didn't grow up in the US, so I am not your typical American girl.  
Although I am also not typical anything. ;-) ;-)  
My background comes from being a very curious kid who likes to understand how things work.
and wanting to know and understand security and privacy ....... not just trust something because someone said so. ;-) ;-) ;-)  

While I like to look nice, hot and sexy, I get pedicure and manicures. Although I find them to be a chore and would much rather be at home challenging my brain.
I only shop for things that I need and that are useful, other then that I find shopping boring and a waste of time.  
Designer crap ,I was never into that stuff ,  "don't get it" ....... well actually I do ;-)  
I don't measure/value myself ( or others)  by material things.
You can look very nice and sexy even on a budget.  
I am just trying to watch the news , and get a Kardashian update so I know who they are , but could care less...... but I am also not trying to live vicariously through other people. ;-) ;-) ;-)  

No need for anyone to take my comments personally or as if I am being judgmental.  
Each person has their own interests and what they like or find interesting. NOT judging.
That is what makes the world go round.
Imagine if everyone was like me , well then the Kardashian's would be broke and would never have an empire. LOL LOL LOL  
So everything in life serve a purpose,  and I don't think that I am better then anyone.

Yes amazing how quickly one learns things when there is a deadline ( I find that VERY hot and  sexy in a man way over how "hot" he looks or what car he drives) .........oh maybe that is why so many ask me where I have been all their lives ?? LOL LOL LOL  
Yes a girl can be cute/pretty/sexy and a hooker and still have depth to her. ;-) ;-) ;-)  



Posted By: Drunken Asian
I come from a science background not I.T.  Most science guys in the field use 'scientific linux' (red hat derivative, I think) for research purposes. (or Mac OS).    
 I still use WinBLOWS for gaming. Windows 7 is great for that  
 but WinBlows 8 sucks dick with their dumb Metro design.  
 How come you're into geek stuff?  How did you get started in it?  
 I'm guessing maybe 1% of girls actually have any interest in these things. Most girls I met are into pedicure, manicure, Eli, vogue, hot guys, Kardasians, spa, house stuff, home decor, luis vitton, channel, and shopping. LOL All fine by me but just different.  
 My interest came primarily because I transitioned to an entrepreneur and we needed to build our own servers at the time. It's amazing how quickly one learns when there's a deadline to be met. lol

ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL . Since when did we become an English only country?
What ever happened to "press 2 for"........

Oh never mind,  seems like the humor always goes over the head of every thread LOL  
Not to hijack this thread but thanks everyone for your warm welcomes back.
At least we kept this thread from being a total train wreck ;-) ;-)  

xoxo CindySpic

bobroll690 reads

Feel free to PM me if you're interested and available.

In Robert De Niro voice - You talkin' to me ?

or did my sarcasm get lost in translation ? ;-) ;-)

there are plenty of girls who offer BBFS.  Civvie girls in particular tend to be more careless than sex workers and are often willing to engage in very risky sexual behaviors.  Universe help you and anyone willing to sleep with you w/o protection.  SMDH

To want that ? We all do our best to keep things safe and clean... However that's like playing Russian roulette.

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