Las Vegas

I'm back from vacation...regular_smile
Nikki Avalon 3847 reads

Okole maluna! ;)

I'm hoping to inspect that tan extensively this weekend...

...among other things. ;)

I think I'm ready for the second all-night date with you. It took me over a year to recover from the first. You've got email.

NiceGuy :-)

F**k me silly........welcome back NA. MfSD>>>>

Great timing!  Missed you in August,  but September  will be a great month if you're around!
Great tan, too!!

I'm glad you're back.  I tried a couple weeks ago to schedule an appointment and have't had a response.  Now it makes sense.  I can't wait to hear from you so we can get together.  Hope you enjoyed your vacation.

as usual!!! Just a thought... I think you would lQQk great in a "hula outfit" with the grass skirt, the head dress and the coconuts... ::wink::!!!

          Love, peace and joy to ALL...

                                      Tia!!! xoxo

Seeing as we're all weighing in better time for a shamelss plug for doubles with Nikki and Angella Masters. Great chemistry there with two very hott ladies. MfSD>>>>

WOW Wow wow, I have never looked forward to a trip to Vegas as much as this one...woohoo

I see and you forgot to take me :(:(
Hi hOney give me a shout...Love Alana xoxo

I had the pleasure of seeing Nikki when she first returned...can I still be your date at the next mingle? El

Damned Ijust got back from Maui and the big island... which island were you on?

but Look what's on it!...


Those lips,eyes;that face,hair!...amd what an arching arse!


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