Las Vegas

My First Visit To Las Vegas Approaching
READY2CRASH 11885 reads

I'll be visiting Las Vegas for a convention the 3rd week in October-staying at the LV Hilton. Any suggestions of a provider who is gorgeous, intelligent, and will provide a fantastic GFE? Thanks.

BigPoppaPumplv9739 reads

Lots of lovely ladies in town.  As long as you stick with a know indie you should have a great time.  Some ladies you might want to contact would be:  Jackie Jewel, Asian Jackie, CindySpice, Kit, Jade, Bire, and or Roxy.  I know all of these ladies and have had a blast with each of them.  Some others you might want to contact would be Nikki Avalon, January, Logan, Mary O'Malley, Arianna, and or Elaina.  I have talked to these ladies and or exchanged e-mails with them.  All of them are very nice, have great personalties and are well reviewed.  There are still lots of other ladies as well.  Contact some of them and see who you like the best, make a date or two and have a blast.

I had to cancel on Nikki Avalon this summer because my trip was canceled and I am still upset.  She is beautiful and has great reviews.  If you do hook up with her let me know how it goes.  I am very envious already.  Cindy Spice is great and so is Kayla Kat and Brie looks tasty.  Angelina Amour is very hot also.  Have fun!!!

I had to cancel on Nikki Avalon this summer because my trip was canceled and I am still upset.  She is beautiful and has great reviews.  If you do hook up with her let me know how it goes.  I am very envious already.  Cindy Spice is great and so is Kayla Kat and Brie looks tasty.  Angelina Amour is very hot also.  Have fun!!!

A little more info would be nice ... you can't go wrong with any of Pop's ladies .. but a little more detail and we can zero in for you. ie hair color, shaved or as smooth a bell pepper, fingerful, handful, mouthful, help! I can't breathful.....

You might try Me & friends at:               Related Link:[email protected]

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